Just north of Atlanta. I’m amazed my nectaplum pulled through. That is my favorite tasting fruit and the tree is gorgeous. Its definitely possible that we will get blueberries. Only time will tell.
It takes quite a bit of elevation to start to experience significant drop in temp. It only takes a few score feet up out of a hollow to start to experience significantly warmer temps at night. I was raised at the base of a canyon just a few miles from the ocean in S. CA. We regularly got frost where I learned to garden and I could walk up the hill to where folks grew avocados and probably could have grown mangoes. You could easily feel the temps rise any time you walked up the hill on a cool evening.
Take a look at this place:
I’d love to see Peter Sink. It sounds like a very interesting area. Think how cold it would get with such a sink in a more extreme climate. Say at 20,000ft near the Arctic circle.
Unfortunately I can confirm your findings Alan, my large residential lot is at the bottom of a long hill and backs up to a creek on 2 sides and pretty much every morning during winter is 3 to 4° colder than other weather station readings in my area. Did not take up the fruit growing hobby until I got here and.have no plans to move so i have to deal with my crappy microclimate. I’m realizing more and more that I’m better with the hardy, high chill hour peach varieties.
I feel your freeze. I thought I was pretty clever 28 years ago when I bought my property, because I brought a compass with me to check light exposure. I didn’t have enough experience growing fruit trees out of S. CA to know the implications of being about 100 ft up from the stream that is the base of Peekskill Hollow, where I live. The southern exposure I opted for only exacerbates my late frosts issues. I thought the 100 feet would let cold air drain adequately, but last year the trees on the highest point of my property did notably better than lower trees after a 17 degree night during J.plum full bloom and an earlier -12F in Feb after preceding extremely mild weather.