Ginseng or other medicinal plants ? 2022

A friend of mine from the wildgrown site… Billy. from the KY State… one of the largest tops and roots I have ever seen and he videoed the root extraction.

It was a multi top root… 3 huge 4 prongs coming off a single root.

Billy is a character… never met anyone that truly loved seng hunting like him. He really enjoys it… like a kid on Christmas every time.

Monster root. 5.5 oz

I had some multi top roots in my seed producing bed… two big 3 prongs off one root… had a few of those. Some would change from year to year… 4 prong one year, 3 prong the next… then back to 4 prong the next year.

The one below…

Is a 6 prong… it was a oddity that happened one year. It has a stem that was double but joined together from the root to the top… sort of like a siamese twin… and at the top… it had two berry stems… and 6 prongs.

It was like it had sort of decided to be a double top with two 3 prongs… but the two ended up being joined together.

That only happened one year.