Thanks for the suggestions. The majority of my grafts are whip and tongue, or bark grafts. I’ve done very few cleft, and sometimes modified whip and tongue if using a smaller scion and the bark isn’t slipping, or is fragile or something.
I’ve also done arbitrary things that seem like they may work for the conditions, with some success. Plus a little T-budding and chip budding.
I don’t think I’ve done a flap graft. And there is some variation in what folks consider to be a bark graft. Can you point me to a post, link, thread that shows the type of graft you have in mind?
I don’t feel particular risk of danger with any of the grafts I do with my grafting knife, and would hesitate to attempt something that violated my common sense about how to use a sharp knife. At the risk of jinxing myself, I don’t think I’ve cut myself while performing a grafting cut, in admittedly only hundreds of graft attempts.
edit: I admit to not doing a search. I tend to find threads here through a general Google search, rather than the search tools here. That said, I think I’ll take Scott’s advice from the end of this other thread: How do I graft these scions? - #9 by galinas
If it were apple or pear, I probably wouldn’t have asked. These are Euro plum, and probably onto rootstock that aren’t yet established to grow gangbusters. I’ll probably treat them as I normally do grafts for which I usually have good success.