Grafting on Bradford Pear

Most European pears work great and many asian pears. You can graft some apples to some callery eg. winter banana but incompatability is known to be an issue sometimes. I’m going to bow out on that topic though @Auburn has plenty of experience with grafting apples to pears. Aronia, Quince, Hawthorn, cottoneaster, medlar etc. can also be partially compatible. Im going beyond the scope of your question so getting back on topic here is a link where i top worked a callery pear Top working Pears weather permitting. What i found out is a great deal of callery pears are actually partially BET rootstock so much so its very hard to find many wild trees that are not. Bet are great asian pear rootstocks. The original group of callery i grafted were awful and not compatible with asian pears and many european pears too so im thankful to have those grafted over now. My recommendation is graft pears to pears and you generally have long term success. Several pears i grafted on callery 15 years ago are going strong! Thanks @Joe you have a good memory.

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