Grafting thread 2021

@thecityman @jcguarneri @don1357
hi Ryan!
I know. one bud!!
I stopped using toilet bowl wax and I’m switched over to parafilm. Below are reasons.
Not so rosy here.
All grafts describe below we’re done with dormant winter scions.
May 20…Of the scions you gave me none have started to grow and the five that I started the same time only 2 showing signs of life.
may 26…grafted more of my own scions with wax… nothing.
June 10…4 scions grafted with parafilm,.all took with bud swell in 13 days.
June 23 parafilm 2 whip and tongue, 2 chip, 2 T…will update you in several days. so far looks promising.
So far then, it seems the grafts done with toilet wax failed but the ones done a few weeks later with parafilm worked.
Never a problem using the wax on apples pears plums peaches or persimmons, but I think it’s not compatible with the paws. Plus messy!
But any T grafts (mostly apples) I’ve attempted have all failed. I think the wax which only covered the bud had some mortal, deathly consequences. (comments anyone?). the rest of T fastened down with elec tape.
So I’ll not use wax anymore. not for anything. your warning a few months ago was correct!
Learning experience, but sad. At least so far, I lost all the scions you gave me, but appreciate your effort.
As an aside, a few days ago, I dug up 2 paw shoots a few feet from mother tree. About 18" tall.
Surprised how much of root ball, with many root hairs. No sign of taproot. I guess taproots not on off shoots from mother plant. Planted in lots of temp shade.
Happy 4th!
Always good to hear from a Pittsburgh metro person!

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