I’m so glad you made it here, Julie. From what you said in our e-mail exchanges and knowing your growing love for fruit growing, I’m certain you will really enjoy this web site and the people here. You’ll spend more time than you should, but its absolutely amazing how much knowledge is here and how willing people are to share it. Meanwhile, if I can be of further assistance, then by all means let me know. And if you want some fig cuttings or any other scion wood this winter, just remind me and I’m happy to help.
One last thing, as a new member you really should post a brief introductory paragraph about yourself, what you grow, what you want to grow, how you got into fruit and nuts, and so on. It’s a great way to introduce yourself and open dialog with others- including several folks here who are from Tennessee. Here is where you should go to do that: scroll to the bottom and click the blue “Reply”.
You’ll quickly figure out how to get around this site and how things work. I’m happy to see you here!