Green Gage: The Holy Grail Of Stone Fruits

Thanks, it would be interesting to look at the ripe fruit. The tree seems super productive.

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Scott, can you please post a short video of which model blow torch you have and on an example of bacterial canker on a stone fruit tree apply the torch so that the faithful can see how you did it?

On a different note, I have been a buyer of Andy’s orchard fruit especially his Greengage. In a good year like last year he had it available for purchase three weeks in a row so I got to taste it three weeks in a row, and from what he tells me, he can’t notice the difference between the three, so quite possibly the box of Greengage as I get each week either had one variety mixture of two or possibly three. Now this is the third year in a row that I ate his Greengage is so slowly developing a taste for it and its nuances And flavor profile, and I really couldn’t tell the difference week after week or within the one weeks box if there was any different variety. I can tell you for those three weeks in a row. They all look the same cosmetically and internally and externally, of course now some more a bit dead ripe And had a syrupy flavor unlike any other fruit I’ve eaten all year just pure heaven. Others were a bit on the Chris side and didn’t have that acid sugar mix that I’ve learned to identify in the Greengage but I can tell you three weeks in a row they were excellent And I remember the first year I had them they were great. I liked it enough and I looked forward to them the second year and they were fantastic but the third year was a banner year for Flavor and for now it’s the fruit I look forward to for the summer .

Andy’s orchard also sells the golden transparent gauge. Last year I first had his dried fruit variety first, which was from the year before that, and they tasted good, but nothing that floored me know his gold and transparent gauge was available about three weeks after the Greengage was, they look nicer yet consistently the flavor was great. It was one level below the Greengage to me. The green gauge is from Andy’s orchard are the chñteau Petrus of plums, but I will add. I had to gold and transparent gauge for three weeks in a row. Every now and then, within that weekly box, there would be a golden transparent cage that was dead ripe who’s flavor rivaled equaled in a rare instance, surpass the Greengage, so I called Andy about that, and he confirmed that the golden transparent gauge requires it to be dead, ripe in order to have an awesome flavor, which is really hard to get, but he two likes the gun transparent gauge because when he can get it ripe it’s flavor is excellent

Would love to hear others experience eating & growing it

Raintree sent me a green gage graft as one of the 6 grafts on a 4-1 mirabelle. I see some speculations as to it being doree/bavay or something like that
 could anyone else who got a green gage from them speak to the fruit? I am searching for the reines claudes, I have some rootstock i am hoping to use to propagate individual trees for most of the types on the combo tree. Would anyone have a recommendation for where to find the truest representation(s) of reine claude as it may be wise to have back-up options instead of waiting upwards of 10 years to see if raintree sent me something worth keeping.

I do believe your truest Reine Claudes are the D’orĂ©e, Bavay, Oullins (Oullins is most often used for pollination), Victoria, D’Althan and Violette. Most of the Reine Claudes sold here are the Reine Claude Verte (D’oree or Bavay.)

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Come to think about it, I bought my green gage not from Raintree, most likely from Gurneys, Henry’s or Starks. At the time I was not aware of Raintree yet.

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I have the same 4-in-1 item from Raintree but don’t have a green gage grafted to it. My grafts, all alive now in their third season, are

Reine de Mirabelle
Mirabelle De Metz
Mirabelle De Nancy
Geneva Mirabelle
Parfume de Septembre

I had five grafts total, not six, and all were labeled. Was your gage graft labeled?

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Scott blowtorching black knot, not canker, a different disease.

Let me tag @scottfsmith to see if Scott would like to star in a black knot blowtorching video. That would be a great video to be used for a reference.

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Yes, I received mine 2 weeks ago and put it in the ground. 6 varieties- all of the ones you listed plus one labeled green gage. Perhaps I should send them an email asking because on their site they have bavay and doree listed as two options but neither is dubbed “green gage”. I know another poster on this site received 6 grafts as well this year as they mentioned it. Glad to hear yours is doing well
 very encouraging as Im just a tad north of you in NY! Thank you

Raintree’s 4 in 1 does not seem very consistent on what is on there is my experience. 4/5 of my 4 in 1 mirabelle have all 5 types they sell grafted onto it. One has only 4 cultivars as promised. One of The 4 in 1 that has 5 cultivars has 2 Geneva Mirabelle making a 6th graft. Under one of the questions Raintree comments that the green gage is a good pollinator for it so it is possible they grafted an extra one on for pollination. For their dwarf 4 in 1 cherry they claim it is supposed to be a 4 in 1 featuring Nugent, Montmorency, Rainier, black gold and or Hudson. My 4 in 1 dwarf from them features black gold, lapins, rainier and Hudson though.

Merci! C’était votre rĂ©ponse que j’attendais le plus! J’apprĂ©cie vraiment le reportage en direct de la France!

Sounds like I’m better off trying to track down one of the ones you mentioned. The breakdown is very helpful as it gets confusing. Do you know if violette is the same as conducta? That is one of the few that I have ever seen sold/labeled as a reine claude in US offerings.


I found the green gage name confusing we I ordered it a year or 2 ago. At first I ordered a Bavay’s Green Gage from Trees Of Antiquity then I saw people listing Green Gage by itself. I bought from Green Gage and Bavay’s Green gage. They both do see to have different growth habits. That could be due to rootstock differences though. The Trees Of Antiquity Green gage started as a stick and grew very fast. The one labeled pure green gage stayed the same size all season long.

I’m not too good with doing videos but will try to remember. @mamuang i use the blowtorch on both canker and knot.


Which one is the better tasting variety, Bavay’s or the standard green gage?

I have not had fruit from it but I hear both are very good and some of the best of the gages according to a post above. Places claim it takes at least 5 years to get fruit from a gage and we are only on year 2 at my house.

My green gage is loaded. Don’t let it’s dull sounding name fool you. Classic green gage is still one of the best.


Pas de quoi. Cordialement, mme. MrsG47

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Conducta is another name for the variety, D’Althan.

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You will see the names of other Reine Claudes, epecially from Hungary. They have created their own versions. The two Reine Claudes, sold in the marchés never last long. They are green (Bavay) or the Dorée (golden color). The latter are the sweetest. They have their own season and are adored.