Here is my 3 yrs old seedling Sapodilla. It is 3 feet tall. I bough the Fruits from our local Asian Market and planted the seed. I liked them a lot. Very sweet with brown sugar taste. I may move it to a bigger pot and leave it outside for the summer.
That’s good growth.My Silas Woods from Logee’s hasn’t added one leaf yet.Maybe it’s like that old saying,first year sleep.
I also have some seeds from fruit and should plant them. Brady
sapodillas are the chinese jujubes and morus nigras of the tropics. Supremely healthy and practically pest-free and productive for hundreds of years.
and have to add, your adenium looks really happy blooming !
lastly, is that a date palm seed you germinated on the right?
It says you have to have “Kidney Disease” for it to be an issue. So healthy kidneys can deal with star fruit. If you have only had store bought star fruit they are terrible, as are many cultivars, PIN should have good eating varieties.
Not true. Starfruit consumption can cause kidney damage in people with healthy kidneys. Read the first link I posted. Nor do you have to actually have kidney disease. You just have to have weak kidneys. The real concern though is that there are not two clearly divided classes of people on earth -those who have kidney problems and those who do not. Many people are on the border with mild cases of kidney problems. Many people in fact have kidney problem or kidney disease and don’t even know it. Kidney disease has been called the silent killer because many people with kidney problems don’t even know they have it. See the following article - “A shocking 10 million to 20 million Americans have kidney disease and don’t know it. Moreover, over 7 million people have less than half the kidney function of a healthy young adult; while another 11.3 million have at least half of what’s regarded as normal kidney function, but with persistent protein in their urine (a sign of kidney disease).”
If you are one of these MILLIONS of people with undiagnosed kidney problems, even one starfruit can kill you. “Star fruit intoxication can develop in patients with kidney failure after eating as little as one half of a fruit or drinking less than eight ounces of star fruit juice. In one case, a patient with impaired kidney function died after eating just a single star fruit.”
I have tried starfruit in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Hawaii, Southern California, Florida, and probably other places just to try to find the elusive tasty star fruit. My conclusion is that, like bigfoot, it may not exist. The best I ever had was completely forgettable and either not worth eating or barely worth eating. I understand why people will risk death to eat fugu (puffer fish) because I have tasted it and it is amazing, but I have no idea why anyone would risk death to eat starfuit. Clearly there is some well hidden pleasant flavor in some starfruits that some people can taste and appreciate, because many people have killed themselves or seriously ruined their health eating starfruit, but I think finding a tasty starfruit is a lot like finding an honest politician. They are so rare it’s not worth your time trying to find one.
Rhubarb has oxalic acid as well just do not drink a wine with 6 pounds at a time, or you will get poisoned and not be able to move the next day much.
calcium, and vitamin b work with one another in your body , and one of the minerals gets locked up preventing your body from taking in the other,
but I wouldn’t go as saying it could kill you just eating one sure it is possible , but kale has oxalic acid as well so does spinach cooking reduces it .
If you have thyroid problems maybe not take it often or at all.
as far as wine better to savor it , when It comes to rhubarb wine
but (chalk) calcium carbonate found in tums can drop oxalic acid out of the wine if you syphon after adding, but I do not, and like my rhubarb wine 9% so easy to drink a lot.
Store bought will have a high oxalic acid amount as they are picked early, and not ripe
eating extra calcium, and vitamin b is not a bad idea , but I wouldn’t worry about it.
yes a lot of Pesticide also damage the Kidneys
mexican Avocado leaves are supposed to be a kidney detox (but not other avocado species leaves as they are toxic)
and I what I read you should cleanse your liver after cleansing your kidney with the avocado leaf tea, but I wouldn’t be so fearful of drinking one glass of Mexican avocado leaf tea either.
castanea your link isn’t working but others that may want to read search oxalic .
I am not against you saying that it is your views , but I do not agree when I was lectured behind my back when others saw me make a rhubarb cold drink with the chopped up stalks with water, and sugar added saying I am unknowingly harming my health so that over reacting strikes a nerve, but I wouldn’t drink it everyday.
The Damaging Effects of Oxalates on the Human Body
In a discussion with a very knowledgeable entomologist, who developed award winning insecticide products, he told me that insecticides will kill 90-95 of a given pest population and the remaining 5-10 percent is usually taken care of by beneficial insects (predators and parasites of the pest insect) and other predators (which is why non selective insecticides can be bad and result in developing resistant insect populations, as they kill beneficials, allowing the 5-10% with resistance to thrive and flare up). In a greenhouse a similar situation may occur as many beneficial insects don’t go inside it, as well as birds and other insect predators, hence you get flares of a problem insect pest like scale.
I grow a Red Jaboticaba for years now, it can produces as many as 4 times. It’s about 6 feet tall, a keeper! It’s in my growroom now fruiting.
Ross, I see a giant greenhouse in your future, just a prediction. You need one just for your figtrees.