The first one is Lemon Guava (Psidium cattleyanum var. littorale). This is probably the best bet in our area to have a hardy, productive and bushy tree with delicious fruits. The fruits have the typical, creamy, tropical white guava flavor with a hint of lemon. There is one trade-off though - small size of the fruits. With aggressive thinning, the size can be about the size of a cherry.
Starts flowering towards the end of May. The new growth at the tips have a cool orange color
Fruit set by mid June
Needs a lot of thinning
Starts ripening in late Sep and produces until late Oct
The tree puts up with neglect, part-sun, standing water from spring rain as it was next to a downspout (changed now) without any problems. I do hear there are cultivars with bigger fruits, I need to hunt for some cuttings or seeds.