Growing Fruit Tree from Seed

I am in Maryland and White Gold has done well for me, where many others have failed or just died for no apparent reason. With our wet humid springs I do have to do several fungicide sprays to ward off the brown rot and black knot. I got a very nice harvest of nice sized cherries this year. Mainly because I really kept up with the fungicide treatments mostly lime sulfur, straight powdered sulfur in solution and copper fungicide.


I put 13 peach seeds in the ground 4 years ago. They came from contender and harmony peaches picked from an orchard here in Ohio. All of the trees produced last year. But this year…it’s insane.
The one tree is our prize winner. It’s an extremely fast growing tree that if left alone would get massive. And it’s absolutely LOADED with peaches. I thinned all of them this year. It’s ridiculous how many are on this thing.
A couple of the trees don’t produce quite as many as we’d like. So …this year once they’re ripe well decide which trees to cut back in the spring and graft our winner onto.
We named the best tree “Halfys eye”.
A stray cat was coming around couple years ago with a clipped ear so I started naming her halfy… Caus her half an ear.
Anyways … Since our best peach tree produces very red and very JUICY peaches we named it after her eye which she has herpes of the eye and it occasionally becomes runny (juicy) and red.
Lol. I know …disgusting. but …me and the wife are twisted.
Halfy is our kitty now and we love those peaches.