Yes, Lisa, that one rose sounds like it could be glyphosate poisoning. Usually even those roses that are resistant to disease are not totally immune. I pray for the rosette to stay away from mine and everyone’s rose beds. Right now, as you can see from the photos I have only mulched close to the bases of the roses and collared them with plastic chicken fencing and wrapped them with a blanket of Agribon to protect them from the prevailing winds of winter. This is a trial to see if the Agribon will work for that purpose. Our main problem remains with the voles that took out five of our hybrid teas last winter when they were covered by a thick blanket of fall leaves. The same thing happened to our blueberries (lost five of them too). So other than castor oil mixed with peppermint Castile soap on a hose end sprayer we are working on attracting a mating couple of barred owls and, again as you can see from the photos, the areas around the roses (and the blueberry patch) have been left bare to scare off the voles. I hope all goes well in your gardens in the coming year.
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