Thanks very much Drew. Can blackberries and raspberries do well in very shallow well draining soil? I have some open spots where the soil is only about a foot deep Or less before hitting Bedrock.
Yes although they will try to spread, raspberries would be better in those spots. They have smaller crowns compared to blackberries. The larger crowns have more canes, need more roots. Although both are aggressive. Both will look for room if they run out. Both should grow there.
Oh that’s good to know then. The fruit quality will not suffer then from such conditions?
If it grows fruit should be fine.
Thanks Drew. Are they comparable to my BB with ability to standout from grass/weeds? A bit of Landscape fabric helped with this at the start, although the runners went under it. I’ve also accidentally broken some canes cutting and weeding grass.
Not sure what you mean? They are a lighter green and do blend better, but once you get used to seeing them you an tell.
No big deal about cutting down some canes. When doing well there is no stopping them. When doing poorly they just go away. I have had borers go through and infect many canes. I cut them all out. They are susceptible to various root rots and that is usually what kills them. It’s wet here, and I have lost quite a few that way.
I just meant if they sprawl out along the ground, and their growth habit doesn’t lend itself to landscape fabric, it may be difficult to grow in the area I’m thinking, if they easily get tangled up in weeds.
The blackberries tend to be thick and shoot way up 6’+ so it’s easier to place them on a trellis and not have to hand weed frequently.
Well they are very tall yes, will need support when fruiting.