Hand Picked Nursery

Ok I have a firsthand terrible experience with this seller this week. TLDR; STAY AWAY.

I spoke to the seller about availability of Josephine and he spoke nicely convincing me that its available (his website said its on presale), and also recommended Joan J, Caroline etc. So I went ahead and ordered (Josephine, Joan J, Caroline and Anne) but they sent me the wrong plants (labelled Heritage, Double gold, Caroline, Anne). Upon contacting the seller, he said that he is frustrated his crew didn’t ship the right plants and then stopped responding / picking my calls after I asked him to ship the right plants.

I know its my bad, I should I have done more research (including finding his thread :frowning: ). My guess is that they don’t have the right plants (I had asked for few other varieties like BP-1 and he said he has them but hasn’t put them on the website). I really doubt this is seller is trustworthy in anyway, and certainly doesn’t care about providing good service. I looked at their website later and it seems like images are not real, and the description are copied verbatim from Nourse:

I will post how the 4 plants that I received do, but either way sticking to standard trustworthy names that folks in this forum have had reliable experience with.

I just noticed this thread… yes i bought Josephine and another variety from him last year. At the time he was one of the only sellers of them and i took a chance. He also listed them on some kind of school fundraising site that was kind of odd… I bought mine from Amazon.

Anyways the plants he sent me were loaded with fireblight and anthracnose.

Be careful and quarantine your plants.

Two thumbs down.


We just bought some asparagus crowns from them via Amazon. Didn’t expect much because it’s getting pretty late in the season—but they were actually pretty nice. Good condition, no mold, obviously viable and a decent size. Better than the ones we got from Stark Bros. earlier this spring, and they threw in some extras, too. Of course, we can’t be sure they’re the right cultivar at this point, but they were pretty good-looking asparagus crowns.