Hardy blackberries

Thanks, I didn’t really want to build another trellis. Have you tasted any yet? How are they? The deer are a never ending nuisance…

They taste fine.

I have this blackberry that in 1855 was $10 for a dozen plants. It survives Z3 maine and similar in Canada… it sends out suckers like crazy and one plant will get you a dozen in year 2 and more onward… it is very prolific.
New Rochelle, Seacor, aka Lawton


Other cold hardy ones are Brady’s heirloom blackberry that is Z3 hardy.

Also Stenulson which i have a friend in Alaska that grows it but i do not have it yet… not sure if im that interested in it. I think its from the Dakotas.

There is finally Pequot Lakes Blackberry developed by Jim Fruth and is cold hardy to MN.