Hardy kiwi as privacy screen

Maybe this will fit the bill?

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I already looked at this one, thanks! It needs at least partial shade, and I need to plant the barrier deeper in the full shade.

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That’s beautiful. How much shade can it take?

According to internet info - full shade. Looks like pictures are taken in early spring when there are no much leaves on the trees, this is why it looks bright.

Probably provides privacy in winter too with the tangle of branches

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There are a couple plants commonly called Quince; the genus Cydonia (the fruit) and Chaenomeles (also called 'Flowering Quince., but it also has a similar fruit). Within those two are numerous varieties that can have very different growing tendencies. A tall growing Chaenomeles would be best as you suggest , and they have lots of colors to choose from. Quince jelly is subtle, but tasty.

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Kerria is a winner. But if you still would like some fruit as well as flowers most Viburnums do well enough in shade. Highbush Cranberry, V. trilobum, can get tall, spreads very slowly, white flowers for pollinators, and you can use the red berries for jam. Some named varieties have better fruit.


Agree, I already have V. trilobum planted, in partial shade of the same strip. Kerria will fill full shade.

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That is a disappointing end to a kiwi thread!


Life is tough in general :grin:


I should have figured you had done your research! I’ve seen Kerria doing quite well in almost full shade.

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