Have I doomed this graft by painting over buds?

side graft at angle
On those other pictures, you’f done exactly what i meanth to explain in my post. Side graft at an angle sidways. Im still concernd about long term bark inclusion. Although theyd first have to grow thick for that to become a problem.

Just linke Ginda.
i think you have doomed the graft. But not by painting it. More by the cambium alignment.

Grafting thick/old stock
If done some chip budding on ~4+ year old stock this year.
the bark is really thick. And suddenly after you cut off half a mm more sliver of wood, your into sapwood and your cambium is an inch apart in witdh. I ended up placing 2 chips side by side a lot. Since 1 chip in the middle would not reach either side of the exposed cambium.

look close enough and circles are just flat lines.
the larger the circle compared to the “flat” line your grafting knife cuts. The more the interface between flat line and circle become the same. (if you zoom in far enough a circle looks like a flat line)
This is why getting a good camium alignment is harder when chip budding thick stock with thin scions.

The red arrow is where i think the bark will slip.
It is somtimes hard to see/judge on a picture. Although in this case im 99% sure i can see year-rings. year-rings is at least sapwood and thus past the cambium into the wood.

the video link. was also posted in this topic

i voiced my concerns about long term bark inclusion there to.

as a novelty small side branche. it seems oky. If your cutting the stock after the graft took it’s also fine. (cutting just above graft)

as a way to get long term sucsesful framwork side branches i have serious doubts.

Maybe im over critical. But i consider it more a novelty than a “usefull” thing.
Just like the youtube video’s of people jamming cuttings in an orange. Keeping it warm so the stick leafs out from stored moisture and resourches.
Post the video/picture showing the “proof” it “worked”. Getting millions of views from their
“10 revolutionary new ways to make plants, that will change the furture of humankind and the planet forever”
But then never post the follow up from a few days later, when alll the leafs wilt and die.