I am located in Southwest Minnesota, less than 30 miles from the SD border, so likely not too far from you. In regards to pears I wouldn’t mess with Ure, fairly poor quality compared to most. Robert Purvis has given me a lot of advice and for our region Ewart, clara frijs, and harrow sweet.
The harlyne and harcot are both likely very good apricots but the harcot may be marginal for zone 4b whereas harlyne may be more likely to produce. Zard, jerseycot, DR-606, Debbies Gold, etc. may be some better options with very good flavor.
I rather doubt Cortland peach will do well. The reliance will likely fruit occasionally but the quality is not quite as high as contender. Everyone in my area that has tried peaches have failed. I going to be high grafting peaches on Manchurian apricot as well as American plum rootstock to try and make them more winter hardy and tolerate the -30 weather that they will likely encounter. The issue with most sources of peaches is that they use standard peach rootstock that go dormant too late into the year which leads to winter kill. I do have some Siberian C growing at this time that I plan to convert to rootstock for more winter hardy varieties such as contender, intrepid, veteran, PF-24c, and blushingstar (the last 2 are quite iffy though!)
Your Cherry options look good. If you are interested in some sweet cherries than I would explore the gold series Gold, White Gold, or Black Gold that are overall fairly cold hardy for cherries.
Both of your apple choices are great options, I have 6-7 varieties that will bear fruit this year and another 20+ varieties in the nursery so hoping to be able to provide more information in the future.