Herbicidal Manure

I’ve seen people claiming that aminopyralid contaminated manure killed their peach trees, but I don’t know for certain. From the limited understanding that I have of how they work, the broadleafed perennials would not be safe, but maybe things like palms would.

It’s a different deal in the midwest I imagine because we are talking about feedlot animals and huge commercial hay production. Most of the composted manure here comes from horse farms that tend to use a lot of woodshavings in the horse barns and so the compost isn’t made up of a lot of hay. That would be Sweet-peat or a knock off of it. However, even more of it in yards that is sold as compost is made from whatever yard waste and woodchips a yard charges to have dumped there, so some yard lawn clippings, but likely the bulk would be arboriist wood-chips- especially lately with millions of ash trees dying.

I don’t see how weed-free hay would end up as compost here very often. That probably comes from feed-lots.

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