How are you Using your Rhubarb?

You could always search online for a recipe using stevia as a sugar substitute.

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check out all kinds of rhubarb recipes on there.


The New York Times has several savoury rhubarb recipes. One is a chicken tagging. Another chicken dish, and I recently used a duck leg recipe to cook goose legs. They suggested substituting chicken in the recipe. But we do raise ducks and geese. There are a number of savoury sauce recipes online.

Skillet Chicken With Rhubarb Recipe - NYT Cooking. A couple I have made and enjoyed.


Most the recipes here cover what I like to use it for. My grandmother also made rhubarb raspberry sauce which I remember being rather good. Rhubarb season in Colorado is cut short by the blazing summer heat and dryness making the stalk quality drop quickly.

Here is a recipe I have been meaning to try for the last few years but always run short on time.
Rhubarbecue Recipe: How to Make It (


One time I recieved a bottle of Rhubarb wine as a gift. It was a memorable experience, just not a good one. I have asked this question in the past with no response so I will try again. Has anyone here grown Livingstone Rhubarb? It is a fall harvest Rhubarb grown in Europe, I don’t think it is available anywhere in the US yet.


I’ve had a rhubarb dry soda that I liked.


Just finished another batch of rhubarb pudding, 2021 crop.


We have so much rhubarb around here that “classic” recipes have been done and redone for centuries…

I used to make my chutney using mango but last year tried rhubarb instead of mangoes . Too good with lamb vindaloo!! I gave some to an Indian friend and it was clear from her smile that she liked it a lot!

I also used rhubarb in muffins combined with whatever fruits I have on hands. Works miracles! Marc


I have looked for Livingstone in the US and didn’t find it. I just planted Kangabarb and hope it will give me a Fall crop.

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I make rhubarb shrubs most years.


Do you have a recipe to share? Do you can it?


I have canned shrubs. Mostly just use them up over the next few weeks. I do the general recipe 1:1 fruit and sugar mush it up a bit and let it sit out at room temperature. 24 hours later I had apple cider vinegar to the mix. In another 24 hours I strain bottle and refrigerate. Then just use a couple tablespoons (I don’t measure) in a glass and add soda water. Some times add orange or lemon peel or herb with the vinegar.


Do you slice the rhubarb, and is it raw?

I see this one:


Where I’m from, we just dab it in salt and eat it.

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The Bike ride across Iowa RAGBRAI They have a Rhubarb eating
I went on , but didn’t get to see the event.


My Friend eats it like that with salt , and eats a lot (but peals it)
I could , go to a another town , by bicycle,
and pick 40 pounds or ( a duffel bag full ) without even noticing the patch was picked ,
and that is not including what My friend picked.

Not salt, but you could dab in sugar as well

(I think that patch is gone now, the owner was old, it’s a apartment complex (in Oswego)

About Knot weed mentioned
Rhuem is in the Knot weed Family
That stuff grows Out of control

A wine that is 9 percent alcohol is good
(or higher I just like mine lower for Rhubarb)

Martha Stewart does not like Pie of Rhubarb with strawberries,
but with another sour fruit Raspberries.

Here is another Rhubarb Page


I mostly do raw shrubs. I do dice and mush it up. I think you’d get more flavour from rhubarb with cooking but I would just microwave it in the sugar. If you dice and add sugar and leave it on the counter for a couple of hours it will have lots of juice. If you want to go for more I’d just microwave to soften the rhubarb. For compote I dice rhubarb add sugar let sit on the counter to macerate. Then stir. Microwave just to soften. stir. That way you get pretty diced rhubarb in undiluted sweetened juices. My rhubarb is Canadian red. Just planted a Kangabarb.


Catherine Hall Dal Nogare

Easiest rhubarb compote. 1/3 cup of sugar for every two cups of sliced rhubarb. Let it sit awhile to draw out liquid stir then blast it in the microwave until it boils. Then I add a little additional time at a low setting. If you want to can it just put it in jars and can. It doesn’t last long in my fridge so I haven’t canned any yet. I add ginger to that as well but I love ginger.

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(oops I did not see these other replies for savory dishes )

I found out pealed Rhubarb cooked in Milk chocolate taste like Raisin etts (candy)
(I cooked on bike ride in mess kit so not hard)

Did you see the two rhubarb pages posted

Both Sites have recipe listed as Using it in with meat (or more savory dishes)

You could look at it like a Lemon, lime , Tamarind ,

**Edit **
Mellis if this means anything Like rhubarb curly dock is in the knot weed family
it is sour , I’ve used the cooked dock leaves for soups so it is good for cooking in my opinion .
**you could always buy some at the store first (try on fish as well) but do not use rhubarb leaves **

I have also experimented with rhubarb insect spray
(do not boil leaves but simmer for making spray you do not want to Neutralize oxalic acid )

Interesting enough In Turkey A new Rhubarb species has been Discovered Rheum telianum
(I did like reading this on turkey news but this is a better link with better pictures
I guess the locals knew about it before the scientific community.)

[Botany • 2020] Rheum telianum (Polygonaceae) • A New Species from…

Rheum telianum İlçim in İlçim & Karahan, 2020. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.477.1.6 347579196 twitter…

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I make rhubarb sauce on the stove top. Cut into 1/4 slices, mix in vanilla sugar to taste, simmer until tender through. I eat that on vanilla yogurt or waffles.

I’ve been meaning to try juicing it, like Larry does, to use as soda syrup. But never seem to be motivated at the right time.


You can just put it in water smashed up , and cold soak for a while for a drink or boil first.

been over a decade , but I forget what works best
Storing in water for a few days or if you boil water first for getting a nice sour drink.

I do have to say when you got 40 pounds for wine
(never boiled using wild yeast )
it does taste good before it ferments in smashed pulp/ juice stage
(wine must)