How can I tell if raspberry is primocane or floricane? Trying to figure out how to prune Whitebark Raspberry

I would like to try grow autumn brittin because the USDA says that it has some arctic raspberry ancestry


Many PNW native plants that grow happily in full shade still are even more happy and produce better if given some sun. Yes, our native black raspberry can fruit in shade, but it may not be worth devoting space to a wide, but sparce thicket of brambles that only bear a small amount of tiny fruit. Better to give them a bit of sun and increase productivity.


Their claim may be valid… but they are for sale at other places.

I do not support this nursery myself…however Scott linked them in an earlier post…so perhaps they are a source if you are looking for them.

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Thanks and yeah, I found it too but Amazon is a hard nope for me as far as plants go. In addition to that, it’s doubly suspicious that they don’t carry it on their website but carry it on amazon. I would bet a $100 in a heartbeat that I am going to receive some random raspberry and unlike the many times I was scammed on Amazon when buying native plants, in this case I won’t be able to tell the difference.


i agree especially that vendor… the listing is for BP-1 Golden Raspberry. That image is the same one for every raspberry they sell pretty much. Shameful how lazy they must be to not see that for themselves… or they are ignorant.

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Not saying this might be the case but if they’re hiring someone to do their websites and social media stuff, it might be them that may not know any better.

I guess we just need to search bp1 in the search bar and bug someone about it :rofl::sob:

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Primocanes for black raspberry are usually a light green color and floricanes have more of a purple color. In the fall after fruiting the floricane dies off so it looks dry and stick like. That is when you cut them. This is unless it is a double fruiting variety, but I doubt it if it didn’t say so on the one you bought.
I have one that I have not pruned yet. I’ll post some pictures.



Thanks, these pictures help a lot. I’ll be picking up the plants on Tuesday but I assume it’s going to take a few years to get to the point when I can prune.

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If you want to try niwot next year… let me know.

Got it from stark, supposedly primocane but I haven’t gotten any fruit from it. Next spring will be the last season for it unless it can blow me away somehow. I don’t like trailing thorns and it is very thorny…

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Thanks, but I’ll probably pass, I am not super committed to black raspberries and bought them more on a whim. Also pretty worried that they’ll rot away in our “winter”, although it’s probably less of a concern for the native one I’ll be planting (picking it up today!). I am however very interested in finding BP-1, which doesn’t seem to be for sale anymore. Although I do wonder if it was that good if they stopped selling it.

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