I know of a person near me, who grew a Nikitas Gift, for about 10 years, we usually get a winter low of 0F to -7, but finally a -10 with the right conditions, totally killed his nice big tree!
For usda 2012 6b,if you want a high chance of success, dont plant kaki. And dont plant NG.
Plant one of these hybrids:
Jt-02. -20 to -25F?
JBT-06. -20 to -25F?
Chuchupaka. -16 to -20?
Nb-02. -16 to -22F.
Rosseyanka. -18.
Kasandra. -16.
Sosnovskaya. -12.
Pamjat Pasenkova. -10 to -14?.
And when young, even they can be killed, or small limbs damaged at warmer temps under the right conditions. But if you go with these, you have a better shot.
If you want a lot of them, you may should consider buying seedlings (nice 1.5 ft tall±) from Missouri conservation program,plant and grow 2 or 3 years, fertilize, water, speed up growth, then get scionwood of several types, graft. Then you can test multiple types including borderline things like the more hardy kaki like Inchon or large hybrid like Gora Goverla.