How is your weather? (Part 1)

Snowing here all day…maybe up to 4 inches. more snow all week long. snow snow snow…

…days are getting longer…




Well it seems sometime after midnight tonight we are under extreme weather watch for like 48 hrs, forecast is 18 inches of snow (lake effect) and extreme blowing of 35+ mph. Lawwwd Jesus!

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“Houston…we have a problem”… record cold across much of the US as we get late into the month?

I can’t remember the last time i’ve seen such a COLD look to the naefs. Cancun and Cozumel look toasty.

Up to 10 inches of snow in the forecast for tonite/tomorrow…we are rapidly nearing are avg snowfall for the year after having like none to start Jan…


HOW record cold are they saying now?

that map is getting old! another 12in. tom. been single digits w/ constant windchills down to -20f! bout ready to move to my cousins farm in central MO! no place left to put this snow!


I feel for you folks out there man! We have snow and cold but not to your levels.

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i have a friend of mine that shovels roofs in the winter. he’s been averaging $1500 a week tax free since the beg. of jan.! says he’s in the best shape of his life at 47! the young ones are too lazy to do the work he does. he tried hiring help but they are more in the way and always want to take breaks.


Give it a few months…it’ll flip red for us… Its just insane seeing that kind of cold. Early spring in Europe.

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That is dangerous stuff…i’ve done that! I actually saw a neighbor the one year up on the roof with a small snowblower.


I’ll just quietly leave this here …:sunglasses:


around here 82 is sit under the ac weather! might sound crazy but id rather be cold than hot. at least you can put on clothes to stay warm. when its hot its hot! wouldn’t mind year long gardening tho. a local farmer around here, farms potatoes in the summer here, then goes to northern florida for the winter and farms potatoes there. says he does well as there aren’t many potato farmers in florida.

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Looks like we may be skipping winter again this year …

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I need to better learn about what winter crops I can get away with. I did carrots in October and picked them in January and they were really quite nice. I’m thinking cabbage, carrots, turnips that I can think now but I know there’s many more…

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FL vs southern CA zone 10.


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Interesting…most likely much lower humidity. I keep a gauge in my camper and all the windows open. Sunday ranges from morning 37% to afternoon 77%…:astonished:

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Snowing…again. Snowed Sunday, snowed yesterday, snowing now. This is getting really old


Iced up overnite - just now starting to melt

Sun is out in Central Texas for the first time in at least 2 weeks, and it is GLORIOUS!


Up north, it just keeps on coming…