How is your weather? (Part 1)

Certainly a lot of extreme weather across the world lately

Wow, only 3 inches of rain! What do you use to collect data?

Davis weather station on my roof.


Lovely! Showers snd in the 60’s! Still need rain, so this is great!

Rain on the way the weather guessers say. An inch plus would be welcome, but I’ll take whatever we can get.

Maybe we can send you some! We have been inundated!


5 to 7 inches of rain today plus 60 mph winds cause about 6000 plus households power outage for Omaha and surrounding areas. This will also cause my ripen fruits to taste bland.


So much for the weather guessers…we got about enough to make the sidewalks damp :roll_eyes:.

I think this is going to wipe the drought off some places on the map

Damp, cooler, and almost chilly the past two nights. A drastic change from blisteringly hot to cool. Damp with spitty rain.

Looks hot finishing out the end of August/early Sept…at least up here.

Ragweed allergies have been horrible…thankfully the rain helps.

Hot/humid summer … Lots and lots and lots of swimming.

We’ve been pretty typical up until today, typical as in all my new plantings look scorched due to the 100f+ days we get on a regular basis. Looking forward to little cool off.

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With such strong wind, did you have any fruit drop? My William’s Pride has dropped every time we have 20 mph or more wind as this is its ripening time.

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The ground is as dry as a bone here in Albion, Maine. We are in a dry bubble…thunderstorms/showers keep missing us. Maybe tomorrow.

Lots of my Asian and Euro pears dropped to the ground. ugh I we got the record for 7.25 inches of rain in the 24 hours period. Lots of basement got flooded.

Sorry to hear that, Tony. Wow, that’s a lot of rain in a short time.

Oh Tony, I am sooo sorry. Water is never great when it comes to flooding!

We got right around an inch, brings us up close to the average for the month so far

All the humidity has brought on with a vengeance the powdery mildew

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we were like that up here until late july, then showers started to hit us. all the grass was brown. supposed to be some good steady rain coming tom. hopefully you get it.