Hypothetical Hybrids

Let me know when those softball sized figs/mulberries hit the market ha ha.

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Since my most recent grocery store cherimoya, it has me thinking about this thread and wondering if anyone has grafted it to pawpaw to test cold hardiness with a temperate rootstock.

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Cherimoya fails in temperate climates. It would grow in a greenhouse with protection from freezing weather. I haven’t seen anything about grafting onto pawpaw, but based on other species with similar origins, the potential is very low.

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Hi tried it last year, but pawpaw on cherimoya with no success.
I didn’t expect any benefit from it. I was curious if it would work

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pawpaws are a miracle, pawpaw and its few asimina relatives are the only ones from the annonaceae family that also occur in temperate zones and pawpaws still retain the exotic annona taste

For me it is the best cold hardy „exotic“ it is fully cold hardy and has that super exotic taste


Virginiana does grow west of 35 w over here in Fort Worth but not very far west, from my experience.

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Some of the Cucurbitaceae easy hybridize. I didn’t tried it because of the slugs

It is possible that some crossings of different species worked, but often the embryo dies
It is helpful for rare crossings to do an embryo rescue.

WTH, this map is inaccurate. Diospyros virginiana definitely grows in the wild at least as far west as north/central Texas…

Right, so the native ranges of Diospyros virginiana & Diospyros texana definitely overlap, at least in Texas. And ofc, Diospyros kaki will also grow there, as well.

I do suspect that Diospyros virginiana doesn’t like alkaline caliche, though…so that may limit its westward/southward range (unlike Diospyros texana).

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