I suspect that just about all the apples sold in local supermarkets here in Western Montana are from Washington State, and some are quite good. Cosmic Crisp, Envy, Opal, others are dependable and affordable.
In season I like Macs from this area. The Bitterroot valley has probably thousands of MacIntosh trees and although they’re not as popular as they once were they still have a good following.
I’m in NE Georgia. I have success with “Ana” and “Dorsett Golden”. I am adding “Pink Lady”, “Red Delicious” and “Gravenstein” this week. We’ll see how they do.
Yeah, I have those too but lack chill hours posted for Red Delicious here. I noticed our new Rural King has some apples. Most of which will not fruit here.
That’s how I felt until I happened to buy some “Northern Spy” apples. If I hadn’t already planted three apple trees, I’d pop on of these in…and I may yet, but how many apples can one person eat?!
We have a tree on MM111 rootstock here in the Palouse. It’s only been in production a couple of years, and so far, it’s been disappointing. We waited too long to harvest the first crop and it was overripe. This year we had an abnormally hot late summer, and again the flavor failed to develop. Maybe next year.
Hello and welcome. Where are you in the Palouse? I grew up in Spokane and had grandparents in colfax. I spent many days at step toe butte picking wild apples w my grandpa. Back in middle school I used to wrestle for a rec team in freeman Wa named the mat maulers lol. And spent many a summer nights at Rockford bay on lake couerdalene. Love the Palouse area.