Introducing myself to Scott's forum

Hey all,
I’m new to the forum and have been into fruit trees for a few years now. In ground I have a Santa Rosa Plum; lemon, Valencia orange, and Page Mandarin trees; Gala, Pixie Crunch, and Honeycrisp Apple trees; two Dragon Fruit plants; and Black Mission and Violetta de Bordeaux fig trees. In pots I have a Nagami Kumquat tree, blueberry and a Miracle Berry bush. I’ve had some successes, some failures (killed my first in ground Miracle Berry bush and blueberry bush), and some too close to tell. I also have a couple of raised planters I use for vegetables, mostly cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs.

I live in San Diego, about 8 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. On a decent day I can see the ocean from my backyard.

It looks like you all have a great community here and I look forward to joining!



Hi Melinda, hope you enjoy yer time here. And good luck with your fruit growing endeavors.

We were in Roanoke a couple months ago, to visit my bro in law at the hospital. We live in NE KY, and drove across West Virginia’s huge mountains to get to Roanoke. I had never seen that part of the country, and was blown away by the beauty of the scenery. Even tho it was in the middle of winter the views were still impressive in the Blue Ridge. We’d like to go back there one day when things have greened up a bit.

Anyway, have fun with the forum and all the friendly, informative folks on here. There are a few Virginia folks on here, like @VA-Jay, @JustAnne4, and @aheartforhome, who is prob not too far from you.


Hello Jason, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your time here. Sounds like you have quite a variety of fruit already.

You have quite a few members on here, like @hoosierquilt, @Richard, who are close to you, and there are few other SoCal folks in here, like @bobinoc and @puggylover75, among others.



Hey, Jason! Welcome to the forum, and you’re in my neck of the woods! I live up in Vista, about 6-7 miles from the ocean as the crow flies and also have a pretty ocean view from my front yard (and of course, that awesome on shore breeze right up our little canyon.) I’ve got what you’ve got, plus a few other things :slight_smile: No Miracle Berry bush, though. Very glad you found us, nice to have a “neighbor” on the forum. We have a few folks from San Diego county here.

Patty S.

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Thank you all for the kind welcome!

Welcome, Drusket. Always nice to see another southerner. I’m just a couple hours or so from Huntsville so we’ve got similar climates- though that 2 hour drive is often the difference between a late frost wiping me out and you still having fruit! And btw, I’m entering my 6th year of growing fruit and I still never know exactly when to harvest some my pears or how to ripen them up properly! Hopefully you can tell me when you learn! ha.

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Thanks cityman. I am also happy to see so many participants from our neck of the woods!


Hello Scott and everyone ,I’m George and glad to be apart of this forum now.
I have a 50 acre orchard in southern British Columbia Canada. I have been in the orchard all my life
born in a apple bin almost. I grow cherries,peaches,nectarines,apricots,prunes and apples.I run a very compact orchard that is mostly high production. I have a huge knowledge of all things fruit trees and machine repair and still learning new things all time. I hope to share my knowledge with others here.


Welcome to our little forum. We will look forward to your input…!!

Welcome aboard our friendly forum.

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Pictures, pictures! For many of us you are living the dream. I’d love to see your orchard.


Welcome George, glad to see someone else from a similar climate.

Hello folks well if any of you are interested I have a youtube channel named myorchardvideos
here is a link.Lots of great video and even a small orchard tour .


Hello fellow plant nerds. I’ve really appreciated the knowledge on this site for the past year and have finally decided to join. This really is a great resource. I’m in SW Missouri zone 6. Primary interest is jujube but also interested in many other unusual edibles.


Welcome Mike! Yes, this forum is invaluable, and the folks here are generous with their knowledge.

If you’re in SW Missouri, then you have @Derby42, @Jwsemo as nearby fellow members. @Olpea and @clarkinks are not too far from you to the NW.

There are a few folks in here who like the jujubes, the one that comes to mind is @jujubemulberry, but there are others.

Again, welcome, and hope you enjoy yer time here.


Welcome Mike … lots of friendly people and advise here! I suggest you drink the Jujube Koolaid!



There is a member in south west mo that grows jujube but I have not taken the plunge yet. I will have to follow mikes posts this summer and see how his do

i second that! and quite sure that @Bede will enjoy this forum :slight_smile:

Thanks for the welcomes. :smiley: @BobC I drank the Kool Aid and it was delicious. I also got maliciously assaulted by the Kool Aid Man. I’ve got about 130 jujube right now - but for some reason the magical number in my head is 300. Like some of the other members I’m just trying to figure out which ones will fruit well for me - mainly focusing on Topeka, Redlands4, Xu Zhou, Sugarcane, So.


Wow! Look forward to some jujube pics from you!! I bought my first jujube(Honey Jar) about 6 weeks ago.