Morris Burton is involved in all of the 4 varieties that were observed to produce what Martha Davis and I call non-astringent fruit. That is some of the fruits could be picked off the tree while still firm with no astringency. Those 4 varieties were L-92, L-93, L-104 and L-104A. Morris Burton is involved in all 4 of these. L-92 and L-93 are Szukis X F-100. L-104 and L-104A are F-7 X Killen (using female pollen).
We have some options, albeit from the same parent (Morris Burton). I wonder if any other varieties (male or female) have been tested for the same traits
(from the thread started by @SMC_zone6)
Surely if Morris Burton was a seedling found in a field, there have to be other trees exhibiting similar traits. Maybe we need to have a call to action for those who live in the northern zone to test local trees for less astringency early in the season. Not a necessarily enjoyable task but one that would benefit the cause.