Is it too late to move my potted nadia plum and hardired nectarines in the ground?

I’d be careful with the manure or omit it entirely. That stuff could burn the roots.

I’d leave the fertilizing til next spring

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Update on Nadia:

Planted it into the ground last week. The leaves were droopy for a few days, probably from the transplant shock. Yesterday I noticed that some of the leaves have turned yellow. This morning when I inspected the trunk closely noticed some white fuzz on the lower part of the trunk.

Any ideas what it might be ?

Please ignore the white powder on the mulch around the tree . It is diatomaceous earth I had sprinkled around the tree because I had noticed aphids on the neighbouring apple tree and wanted to make sure this one doesn’t catch any.

It lookslike an insect pupa

Is it harmful to the tree? I have sprayed it with water, and got it off. Is there anything else I can do ?