Why is that? I know it’s true, but most other fungi are weak in CA. Interesting.[quote=“hoosierquilt, post:19, topic:9852”]
recommended to me by the UC folks.
It must be on the label then. If you go back you will see I do it too, and don’t really care if it’s legal or not.
Yeah I don’t want to argue about it. I feel confident in my position (read any pesticide label on use). People can read it and decide for themselves what action to take.
Because it depends on where you live in California - we have VASTLY different micro-climates in our state - and also what types of fungal infections you’re talking about. I live in the coastal plain area of S. California. We experience “May Grey” and “June Gloom”, with long periods of the coastal cloud bank cover in the morning and evenings, coupled with ideal temperatures for certain types of fungii. We have higher relative humidity levels here, and increasingly so as you move closer to the coast. I am about 6-7 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. I have issues with mildew, rust, black spot on my roses, and other susceptible plants, as well as PLC, and various types of wilt (viruses but also proliferate under the same ideal weather/temperature conditions). PLC is a big issue here in my area of S. California:
From the above article: “Taphrina deformans survives on tree surfaces and buds and is favored by cool wet weather during spring. The pathogen most likely survives the warm, dry summer period as ascospores. With fall and winter rains, the ascospores germinate and form numerous budding blastospores.”
Our issues with fungal infections happen at different times of the year, than they types of fungal infections those on the east coast, or more humid southern states experience in the summer. Our issues with fungus happen in the winter & spring. We are also the phytophthora capital of the world. Again, same ideal conditions. What we do not see here, are your summer fungal/bacterial issues, as our climate will get hotter and drier as summer progresses, and those conditions can actually kill certain types of fungii and mildew. But, but then, our fungal issues have done their damage. PLC is a winter/spring issue, not a summer issue. You just see the results of it all the while the leaves are on the tree. Also, we are seeing a bit of a climate change here for us in the summer, with longer periods of “monsoon” weather bringing in higher temps and relative humidity levels, than we ever used to see in the past. This may also be contributing to additional/new issues with fungal infections, that we have not had to deal with in the past.