Not much to look at but this is where I have been growing my Groundnuts. Has not really spread in the 4 years its been there. I have also never harvested any. I accidently dug up one moving a root stock over a few feet. How do I prepair this thing?
My groundnuts just started sprouting a few weeks ago. The ones left outside in their pots have a bit of root matter, but they seem slow going. The ones I stuck in the fridge for 3 months sprouted quickly, and I put 'em all in a pot at the base of my Grumichama sapling (along with some Ichoimo in adjacent pots). The vines are quickly climbing up, and I’m wondering if I should’ve grown them somewhere taller. I’ll snap a pic tomorrow.
The Jerusalem artichokes are putting on height rather quickly. Spindel is very vigorous, Supernova less so, and Red Fuseau somewhere in the middle. I stuck 'em all in a yam patch, and everything’s starting to tangle a bit, but if I can get a decent crop out of the mess, I’m happy.
I put in my groundnuts a couple of weeks ago. My friend gave me a single node of a second type so we would both have some hope of cross pollination.
He had started his earlier so that one had a whip coming out of it.
I planted it and it had gripped it’s support structure and was opening it’s first leaf.
Went out yesterday and it was eaten to the ground.
I think the local bunnies consider it a gourmet treat.
Anyone know if the nodes will keep trying?
it should still have some energy to resprout. put some wire around it.
I was thinking of trying this as well. How did this work out for you?
I concluded from this conversation that they shouldn’t share root space, but I tried planting them right next to each other, and it didn’t go well. The artichokes filled in dense and leafy, and the groundnuts were fragile and wanted to wander rather than try to climb the artichoke stalks.
So a few years on…I grow my artichokes in buried pots, and just let the groundnut runners slowly amble around under the garden. I put a tomato cage over them wherever they deign to appear so they have something to climb.
Thanks for the info. They have been invasive for me and fussy to dig so I grow them in pots. I’ve often thought I should rotate them to new soil each year, but maybe I’ll think twice about that now.
Do you still have the Spindel Jerusalem Artichokes? I woiuld like to get a few if you have them