Here’s a pic of the whole tree. So seems to have a tendency to turn into a large, wide bush.
Here’s a Churchpoint graft on it from this spring with one fruit. Note that it’s leaves have a darker green shade than the rest of the tree.
I got a So from BR, but it died, so I’ve never gotten a chance to compare. Given the reviews, I don’t think I will. I do have So’s from JFaE, Bay Laurel, Englands, Edible Landscaping, and Bob Wells (DWN). All seem pretty similar to me, so maybe it is just BR which is different. Edible Landscaping is the only one I haven’t sampled yet, as I just got them this year. But I do see that one of the trees (I got 10) has a fruit on it already.
I got a couple Dae Sol Jo from another tree (graft made in 2018). Of these, the large one was 20 brix and pretty bland. The small one was 25.5 brix and decent. Neither was too crisp/crunchy, so the larger one didn’t have much to like, but the smaller one was OK. Maybe DSJ is similar to Xu Zhou and needs to be completely brown before being picked.