Jujube Vendor Comparison

@murky Moved back to 5 gallons container now. No fruit. Growing slowly.

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I think @jujubemulberry mentioned that jujubes do not do well in pot long term. I just put my So in a 15 gallon pot last fall. I was pleasantly surprised that this month it has leafed out and is doing well despite my rough handling of digging it up last fall and unceremoniously plopped it in a pot.

My 4 ft Honey Jar (in ground) started fruiting in its 3rd leaf. I don’t know how much sun your jujube gets. It really likes to be in the sun all day to be productive.

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I will give up with Jujubes. Will give it to new gardener.

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There are several people wanting Honey Jar. I think @murky is looking for it, too.

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@murky i would give it to you for free let me know when you have a trip up north. I know it’s far but during the year when convenient for you.

Thank you Vincent. My brother lives in Tacoma, some day I will come visit him, maybe I can come then.

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My Honey Jar Jujube R.I.P

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that’s unfortunate, did you figure out why it died?

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@Seattlefiggirl Don’t really know. Maybe some roots damaged during digging it up last winter.

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That’s a pretty small pot. If you were digging a jujube from in-ground, you’d need to get a lot more roots. Here’s a pic of one I transplanted early this spring.

There is so much water because I removed most of the soil by spraying it with a hose.

After transplanting:

Almost all the roots reach out at least 2 feet, with some 4 feet. No way to put this in a pot without removing 90%+ of the roots. Note that when I planted, I didn’t make the hole with a 4’ radius (8’ diameter!). Instead, I had a 4’ wide hole (still plenty of work) and dug small trenches for the longer roots.

While your tree looks a bit smaller, I bet that it had roots a log longer than fit in that small pot- looks like maybe 2 or 3 gal.

If a jujube has been grown in a pot the whole time, you may be able to get that sized tree in a 3 gal pot, but once they stretch out their roots it is hard to put put them back in.

I moved half a dozen jujubes this spring and all of them seem to have lived. Though this one took a bit longer than the others to leaf out, so maybe I cut it close on that one.


Yes your right. Mine died maybe from the mistake. Thank you for information @BobVance

My jujube rootstock still ok and come back. It’s die right on grafting join union I believe. So it might not because I didn’t dig big enough the rooting system.


My jujubes only just started leafing out and they’ve been in ground undisturbed for multiple years. We had such a cool spring they didn’t get the cue to start growing.

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