Jujubes- Our New Adventure

Earlier tonight, I picked the last Honey Jar, and the last Shanxi Li from both trees. I think I waited a bit too long on the Honey Jar, as it wasn’t as crisp as I’d like. It was still much better in texture than both Shanxi Li, even though they weren’t as fully ripened.

The larger of the Shanxi Li (from a newly planted ToA tree) was better than the one from the Shanxi Li graft on the So. I’m thinking that part of it may be that the graft gets a bit less sun than the new planting, which is as full as I can get it anywhere in the yard.

Of all this fruit, I actually liked the So the best, due to the juicy crunch. It had the lowest brix, but really, 23-24 isn’t bad brix for any fruit. The 32 brix Shanxi Li didn’t taste that much sweeter…

One other interesting note- the larger Shanxi Li had a seed in the middle, but no pit. I think this is the first time I’ve seen this with my fruit. But, I did notice something like this with some that Roger Meyers sent a couple years ago.