I just bit the bullet and bought this from edible landscaping…
I think they order them from Dave Wilson, do you guys know if the tree will have a good chance being in a 1 gallon pot?
I just bit the bullet and bought this from edible landscaping…
I think they order them from Dave Wilson, do you guys know if the tree will have a good chance being in a 1 gallon pot?
I have bareroot HJ jujube and Sugar Cane jujube arriving soon from Grow Organic. The ground is frozen where I am, so I don’t think I’ll be able to plant them immediately. Is it possible to store the bareroot trees until the ground is workable? Also, how do you recommend I amend the soil when I do plant the jujubes?
I have been following this with a lot of interest. I used to eat a few different kinds of Jujubes (called “boar” in Hindi) in India growning up and loved them.
I gave in and bought a Li, a Honey Jar and a Chico bare root and have them in 15gal pots now.
Just be careful - there are at least two different kinds of jujubes (Indian and Chinese). All the ones you planted are Chinese jujubes. Since you’re in zone 10, you likely could plant the Indian variety too
Definitely! These were easily available so I got them. I’ve tried some variety of Chinese - probably seedling grown - and it was fine if not great - which is understandable if it was some random seedling. I can imagine a named variety being much better … we will see.
Not sure where to get Indian varieties from. I haven’t researched that yet - honestly since this was so easily available and everyone seems to like them, I figured I’ll give it a try.
Here is the Indian variety for a good price also imo
Thank you!!!
Apparently shipping to CA is temporarily unavailable. I’ll have to call them to find out what’s going on.
This does look exactly like some of the ones I’ve eaten growing up.
Doesn’t say the variety name on the site though. I guess I’ll find out when I call them.
I’ve read this whole thread, and my question was likely answered, but I’m not going to re read it all again. I wasn’t looking to purchase any jujubes then but think I may want to try a couple.
If you were to pick 2, which would they be? Why?
Do you know or sources for those 2?
BobV already pick the top 5 jujubes for you in this thread.
I know but don’t remember where
You can press Ctrl+F and type text you seek in current topic.
Top 5 for example will result several links including: https://growingfruit.org/t/jujubes-our-new-adventure/5823/2848
These four are crunchy, sweet, and more juicy.
It’s worth noting that this is specifically for Bob’s (relatively) sunshine poor and short season. In Arizona he has very different growing conditions that will allow for many more varieties reaching full flavor potential
@jujubemulberry may have better recommendations for such a climate
I picked honey jar and black sea due to the many positive reviews on this and other site. I bought them from https://restoringeden.co and https://www.burntridgenursery.com which are both very well respected nurseries per people on this site.
Also as mentioned your climate is VERY different from mine. For instance, id never pick chico but it may work well for you.
I have also not received them yet, so take it with some salt.
Thanks for the responses
yeah, weather can affect the quality of fruits. Here in vegas, most cultivars are juicier and sweeter when ripened later in the season when it is cooler(jujus usually bear twice a year here, sometimes three times). Those that ripen late oct or november are better than those that ripened in july–borne on the same trees
i agree with list provided by @tonyOmahaz5 (other than bing tang, which can’t give feedback on as have never grown it)
i can predict those will be juiciest even in AZ summers, and also with great flavor and high brix levels
we also would recommend chico, if you like jujus with some tart, but may not be as juicy in AZ as what were listed by @tonyOmahaz5 . Of course, taste is also relative/individually determined. Where we are at, with regards to varieties avaialble to the public, we like sihong the most, as it is quite meaty/dense, and has a unique flavor. We also eat li, chico and sherwood in large amounts when ripened in cooler weather. And of course we eat honey jar by the buckets as well HJ is quite immune to dry heat-- producing juicy ones even when temps are in the teens. Early golden crispy can bear bigger fruits than hj, but not as prolific, and grows painstakingly slow. Maybe it is the weather, or the rootstock(or both) which caused this? we dont really know as havent had them long enough.
I am ALWAYS late to the conversation but does anyone have early golden crispy scion to share?
had three ‘successful’ grafts of early golden crisp(each with just one node). They all produced fruits borne on deciduous(herbaceous) shoots, but none which grew an upright. Well at least the nodes have transformed into fruiting spurs, and the stems have thickened, hopefully one of them shoots up vegetatively this year… Would likely have better results if this cultivar is grown on own roots
have yet to see literature on graft incompatibility between juju cultivars, but over the years, have come to conclusion that it occurs relatively often.
Yes, for Arizona, I think Chico, Sihong, and maybe GA866 (horribly low production here) become very interesting.
Yes, though I would add Sugar Cane to that list. Some people notice a bit of off taste with it, but I still feel like SC is a top cultivar. And the larger fruit size (though not as big as Li) could interest some.
Possibly- I’ve got several request for it already and in the coming week I am going to see how much good grafting wood there is to cut.
I’d say the most important thing is to get a good tree. You can graft over the variety later. 3 of the top 5 aren’t that easy to get as a tree anyway.
For instance, you could get a Sugar Cane and a Li from GrowOrganic. Then, later graft a few better varieties on the Li and still keep a few branches of the larger Li fruit to sample.
DWN makes very good jujube trees. You can see the list of nurseries which resell their trees here:
Just click on the list to see what trees they ordered from DWN. Though not all are still in stock. Just from a quick look, I see that both BayLaurel and Womack have HJ and SC in stock. Though BayLaurel’s last date for orders is today/tomorrow (Sunday night).
Thanks Bob but don’t hurt your source. There’s always next year and I have a really lot going on in life right now……