I planted a bare rooted KG in March of this year and it leafed out but did not grow as well as I hoped. I figured it probably spent this past growing season growing its root. I was planning to cut it in half to induce more branching in Spring, and also to keep the final height about 8-10 ft. Is this a good approach?
Picker one Sept 26 that was good. A few fell Oct 1 and they were good but seeds had some brown. Picked all of them Oct 6 this year. Last year squirrels or raccoons took all of them so I didn’t want to wait. Next year I’ll leave a few on longer and see if there is a difference although everyone liked the ones I picked early.
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In my experience, I could easily pick KG for a period of 3 weeks and they still have very similar taste and texture. Waiting too long, the texture loses it crunchiness. Part of a good Asian pear is the crisp, the crunch. I can’t stand soft Asian pear. I would rather eat Euro pear if I want soft, melting texture.
You know when you pick too early, the starchiness is there, not a pleasant taste to me.