Landscape fabric around low blueberry bushes?

I know that Rabbiteyes get tall,but have never seen Southern Highbush with a real low growth habit,like your description.Are they named varieties and what is SE Blueberry? Brady

Sorry, that was a typo, I meant SH and RE. Here’s a picture of some:

They had been dug up last year, pruned a bit, and put into pots. They are all a few years old now. Most of the tags are lost, but I got as wide a variety as I could. Iirc, to name a few: O’Neil; gulf coast; blue gem; blue shower; Biloxi; powder blue , etc

I think I’ll just try as best I can to plant them in a line and seal the landscape fabric around stocks. Not much else I can do with them. Not sure if fertilizer will help them to shoot upright more?

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Is there a problem with growing them in containers? Brady

I love blueberries wish I could grow more.Not just the fruit, the plants too. Also i can’t count, i have 11 plants, not 10!

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A lot of people use pine needles, around here. They just get them from their yards, or from neighbors . . . I’ve even seen people scavenging strangers’ bags of raked up needles, waiting for the recycling trucks, at the curb. These pine needles do a good job of keeping the weeds down, also breathe, and as they decompose - add acidity, which the blueberries thrive on. But, we have a lot of loblolly pines around here.