Actually, I need to revise my response. Here is what @TheFluffyBunny said about Atlantic Queen:
"I cut mine down a decade ago. I might consider it again for the visual impact as an espalier. It is not exactly what I call a desert pear it is more of a dinner pear. By that I mean I find it worked best in a sandwich of a salad where it helped along some other foods. For example a couple of slices on a turkey, rye, lettuce, mayo and cheese sandwich is awesome. You are also talking one heck of large pear too. Like all pears they tend to ripen from the inside out so it is hard to tree ripen due to the size.
One nice thing is the squirrels and raccoons seem consider it a last resort so you will always have some if you have other pears around. Still and all there is nothing wrong with it."