Last chance to save my Chestnut Crab

Those look like they would be delicious not to mention how early they ripen.

Indeed. They look a lot like Trailman to me.

Yep. @JesseS posted a photo of Trailman today on his FB page… very similar in appearance.

I’m 99.9% certain that my BOC is not mislabeled(and I’ve not had Trailman scions to graft, so…)… Jim sent a box of fruit once, and I thought they were - like the ones I posted photos of - quite similar in appearance to Centennial… though smaller, and tastier! But…if someone has Bastian Orange (from scion source other than me), I’d be interested in getting a stick or two to graft and compare.

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@Lucky_P Hello there, i just came across your post here about the BOC variety. I am wondering if you have any updates on it, such as if you know for sure it is the right variety now (since that was 4 years ago)? Also, how does the apple you have do with disease resistance and how does it taste?

While i don’t recall anyone ever sending me Trailman scions, and i could swear that the tree in question was grafted with scions received directly from Jim Bastian, i - and a couple of apple ‘experts’ - are convinced that my tree is Trailman.
That said, photos i saw in. Post on a deer hunter forum, from someone who had gotten scions from Jim, did not look at all like the fruits Jim sent me, years ago. Mine - and those Jim sent - eere yelliw, with pink blush on a cheek, but as best i recall the fruits from Jim were round, while mine are a bit elongate oval. Pics i saw on the deer forum were a red-skinned apple.
I’ve tried, on a couple of occasions, to buy BOR scions from Derek Mills (a growingfruit member) at Hocking Hills Orchard, with no success. I’d wanted to graft the two, side-by-side to compare.
I’ve noticed no disease issues. Its still the tastiest apple I’ve ever eaten. Im not much of an apple fan - i prefer pears - but i could eat these all day long


It definitely looks like a Trailman to me. I’d love to hunt down some BOC scions after looking into it.

You might contact Derek Mills and see if you can get it from him; I know he has listed it in his inventory.
Jim B. moved away from the NH property with his grafted tree… I think to MA.

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