LED grow lights

Its not too difficult to build your own if you are into DIY.

I have build about three grow lights using Samsung FSERIES GEN3 4000K light strips and when ran at 90% of max they are rated for 165 lumens/Watt which converts to ~2.7 µmol/joule - basically about as efficient as you can get.

My most recent build was:

  • 6 x Samsung FSERIES GEN3 4000K (SI-B8T261560WW) strips (~$10 per 2’ strip, $60 total)
  • Meanwell HLG-240H-24A LED power supply (~$50 on eBay)
  • Aluminum C-CHANNEL 3/4x9/16x1/16 - 96" ($11 from Home Depot)
  • 20mm Double Side Adhesive Thermal Conductive Tape ($14 on Amazon)
  • Aluminum Angle 3/4x1/20 - 96" ($11 from Home Depot)
  • Various wiring and hanging hardware

You just need to figure out how you want to organize and space out the strips in advance and build the frame - which is what I use the aluminum angle for. LED strips are adhered to the Aluminum C-channel with the double side thermal tape and the Aluminum C-channel doubles as a heat sink. Then its a matter of wiring up the LED strips to the LED power supply.

Ran at 90% of max my lights specs are: 23.7 Volt, 9.45 Amp = 224.1 Watts and that covers a 2 x 6’ area to provides excellent growth for seedings.

EDIT: Here are the two blog posts that got me started:


The problem is that it’s hard to know what the light output really is, since LEDs don’t even give lumen ratings in many cases.

I know lumens are not the be-all end-all, but if you know your current lumens with a fluorescent setup, at least you have a point of comparison.

They don’t even give you that.

They’re probably even lying with the wattage equivalent.

That’s the route I will be taking for my next build project.

I have been selling high quality horticultural supplies for 13 years and in that time no one has used luxx or par for measuring horticultural lighting devices. Luxxx was done in the 70s PAR was done in the 2000s. When you talk about converting luxxx to PPFD what your saying is you can stick a beta max in a vhs. You are talking about measurements that are 50 and 20 years out of date respectively. The entire horticultural lighting industry has made ppfd and umol/j the standard.

I hate that you got me on here defending Ceramic metal halides as these have kr85 a radioactive isotope in them that is a waste product from nuclear power. However these in general are tremendously more effective would cover a 6 x 6 for seedlings with 326 watts pulled from the wall. These have a rating of 2.4umol/j. The double ended high pressure sodium lights are 1186 watts and produce around 2.2 umol/j.

The other issue with these leds is they still have lots of not environmentally friendly options inside of them and most of these are way overpowering what they were designed to do to try and get them to grow plants a little bit. However usually this does not make them grow plants more efficiently. If your plants grow slower and it takes you more hours to grow them then the light probably uses more electricity than actual horticultural grow lighting. My issue with leds is we keep making these fixtures that you have to toss out when the led dies most of these cheap leds max out power and burn out in a year or so and then you have to throw the whole thing in the trash. Its a disposable economy they even want you to throw our your kitchen and bath fixtures with the leds now… What trash. Our recycling system is already made to handle disposal and recycling of bulbs and then you do not have to buy a new fixture, who is recycling these crappy leds?

When you say almost all these 100 dollar leds are producing 2 umol/j i seriously laugh at you. Most of these are actually bad for people and are stroboscopic. Good LEDS are not cheap to make and are ran at around 4% of their max power. Usually 0.4v per led for the leds to last and not burn out all the color right away. Also do you go under these lights?

Didn’t see anyone mention these above, but I use both of them and they seem to cause vigorous growth and tight internodes from even 2+ feet away (the spotlight style more so than the tube style):



Both are available in either “balanced/seedlings” or “red/flowering” spectrums, I use a mixture.

They range from ~1.4 to 1.8 umol/j, depending on which color and fixture type you get.

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A 400W HID will blow the pants off of a 50W LED array, regardless of manufacturer. There is no light equivalent, it is pure bunk.
There is a big difference in light needs between plant species. Many fast-growing plants respond poorly to low-intensity light. I would prefer an array with a smaller number of more powerful LEDs. Smaller LEDs are more efficient, but lack the power to grow many Summer crops. A system can be more efficient, check all the right boxes, and still not be powerful enough to grow a tomato plant.
LEDs are more efficient, but they totally suck compared to growing with HID. A system can be less energy efficient, and still give a higher yield per $ spent. LEDs grow more slowly than HID. Your plants will spend more time under the lamps to achieve the same yield. A Ford Focus is more efficient than a Ford F150, unless you are hauling cargo.
The primary benefit of LED over HID is the heat. Dealing with the heat requires more power consumption, reducing efficiency. In the Winter, that heat can be a benefit to the plants. The faster growth also increases water consumption, making fungus gnats less of an issue. There is a lot of hype around LEDs, and I think people should know that they are not always the best option.

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Lets keep the context to home gardening because nobody is going to have a $200-500 Quantum PAR Meter to verify if they are providing enough light.

When you talk about converting luxxx to PPFD what your saying is you can stick a beta max in a vhs.

Ok, then why is there a conversion chart exactly for this on the website of one of Apogee instruments, one of the leading manufacturers of horticultural and environmental sensors: PPFD to Lux Conversion

In the home garden context when someone just wants to know “how far away should my light be from a plant” or “is the light that I have sufficient” having an 10% margin of error on accuracy is totally fine.

When you say almost all these 100 dollar leds are producing 2 umol/j i seriously laugh at you.

Okay, well then you’re knowledge is outdated because its a pretty normal thing for reputable lights to hit or exceed 2 µmol/j. Meanwhile, I am struggling to find a CMH bulb rated higher than 1.5 µmol/j by the manufacturer, but if you can link me to one I would be glad to be wrong.

I’m not sure why you and @nil are against LED lights so strongly and recommending CMH / HID lights in a thread specifically about LED grow lights. But I’m going to stop replying because I think I’ve said enough.

@BG1977 Out of all this I do think I found a good video to answer your question:

I am not against LEDs. I just think people are hyping them too much. There is too much obsession over these tests. They give no indication of whether the lamp is capable of producing a fruiting response. Any good article about a piece of machinery should include its limitations and potential alternatives. I don’t feel obligated to sing the praises of LEDs just because they are in the title of this thread.

You don’t need a PAR meter to verify that. You just have to put the plants under the lamp. I don’t understand why such a common sense principle seems so controversial to some people. LEDs are too variable to go by the numbers.

Manufacturers in China have the same test equipment. They can build a system with crap components that will look good on paper. LEDs are one of those things where you get what you pay for.


DISCLAIMER im not an electrical engineer. Im not giving practical advise for you to follow here. It’s purly theoretical. If you burn down your house with a flawed deisgn LED light, or a badly exectued good one or any other way, thats on YOU. Im merly pointing out shortcomings of designs imo. And pointing out posible theoretical ways you could further research to fix those shortcomings.

@RichardRoundTree quite a few of the points you make seem reasonable. And i don’t disagree with.

The following statement though seems way off.

Granted good Led die’s and the chips are expensive. And saving money there will cost you efficiency.

But no-one builds there lighting systems at 4% of typical capacity of the led die. For comercial well tested and designed products most are run fine at typical recomended currents.

The 0.4v per led (die) in the series string is also BS. 0.4v is not enough potential to overcome the band gap for visible light. Let alone for blue light to further convert into other wavelengths by the use of a phosphor.

The beta max in a VHS also does not make much sense. You can calculate back from lumens and the spectral graph to µmol using the eye’s sensitivity curve. It’s some complex maths but it’s accurate and based on sound physics.

The physics and electronics of good led lighting design are complicated and require maths. Most people don’t have this knowledge (of physics/maths) and thus default to #of led chips, “wattage per chips” number leds per color or other metrics that can not be used as “blanket statement metrics” and thus the statements made are at best only applicable to highly specific situations but more usualy just plain BS.

i hate blanket statements, but gonna make one thats usualy true.

“Advise about leds given by anyone without them linking and referencing to a data sheet should not be trusted, same goes for a lack of maths”

Even when a person links to a data sheet they should be able to explain anything on that datasheet before you could consider them even vaguely knowladgable. This usualy holds true for any electronic part. (from resistor to fets to leds)

most of the things you say seem reasonable. I do not know how you did the conversion from lumen to µmol, without spectral data (could not find it in the data sheet, the data sheet is quite limited, especialy compared to for example one from cree)

I am worried about that thermal design.
The datasheet uses 65c as recomended temperature on the measuring point on the led itself. This is quite low. assuming at least 25c ambient. This leaves 40 C temperature differential. And since the PCB and also the dubble sided tape have quite a high termal resistance you will loose a large part of your termal differential to those alone. And then you also use a quite primitive passive heatsink.
Im not saying it does not work. I am verry curious though what you would measure if you measured temperature on the termal measuring point on the led pcb.

The data sheet also states a max temperature of 95 c which again is quite low. Especialy comperaed to for example cree’s 125c max temperature.

This all leads me to assume in your use case your overloading the leds. they probably run at a higher temperature than rated. This will cost you some efficiency and quite a lot of expected lifetime. To make it more complex, you should not measure LED lifetime as in till it brakes. But from start till when it only emits X% of origional light (x is usualy 80%)

If you keep that design. you could improve it with better heatsinks. Or a thing layer of TIM (cpu paste for example) and the appropriate pressure on the PCB to ensure good TIM contact. Another easier fix would be to run the leds under rated power. Below rated power they run a little more efficient. But can also handle higher temperatures for longer. And they produce less heat so the temperature differential devided by the thermal resistance can end on a lower number and still be fine.

Another thing that worries me in that design is the load balancing. I see no way in which they ensure the paralel strings are evenly load balanced.

LEDs can be roughly modeld as a constant voltage drop with a small resistor in series. This means if there is even a small diference in the voltage drop between paralel LEDs, the only “buffer” is that tiny resistor in series. And thus the LED string with the lower forward voltage drops can take significant higher share of the current. And thus overheat and burn out. At that point the remaining LED strings each get more power, and likely 1 of them burns out, and thus cascading into failure.

Putting them in series balances load. But can increase the required voltage to dangeours levels. So as a DIY you should not do this.

Putting them paralel with a seperate CC driver like for example https://www2.mouser.com/datasheet/2/260/LDD_L_SPEC-1291586.pdf
can work. Although these CC drivers are usualy Buck design and have a minimum voltage drop ov 3v or somthing like that. So your AC/DC power supply would have to be 36v version.

You can also roughly load balance them by increasing the series resistance. In this case running the leds at 600mA (1/3 of max rated current for DIY seems wise) seems reasonable to me. Id aim for 2-5% of the forward voltage drop (go 5% if you measure them all to be really close go 2%) to drop over your resistor. This would give you a 1.667 ohm resistor. You can “make” this resistor from 3 paralel 5ohm resistors or 6 paralel 10 ohm resistors. use 0.5+watt rated resistors for safety, it’s overkill but for a diy you don’t need to save the 0.10 dollarcent.

you would thus place this extra resistor in series with each string. And than put the strings (each having it’s own extra series resistor) paralel.

An more efficient and elegant option would be to use a few opamps and a fet in it’s lineair region as a CC source (or as a variable resistor adjusting itself to increase/decrease to cause a constant current flow)
you would have to oversize your fet and cool it appropriatly.
There is also an IC that does this. but i can’t find the part number atm.

i quite like your choice of power supply brand. Going for a good power supply brand and product line is a good safety choice. It does however NOT compensate for other bad safety choices, so keep that in mind.

Alternatives might also be from meanwell “ELG line” usualy a bit cheaper and comparable in most regards.
Also going for a AB version can be nice for flexibility. You can use the B version for dimming if your going passive resistance load balancing. And the A or blank version for CC drivers (either fet based or switching based). The B line is also nice for switching the light on and off by dimming to 0%. This avoids inrush problems that i discus next.

Keep in mind the inrush current on your power supply.
Most power supplys have incrush currents above 60 amps (100s often). This can easily start a fire when switched by a cheap inapropriatly rated for max 16 amp relay in time switches.
Using the B power supply and diming from 0 to 100% with somthing like an arduino, seems a lot safer to me.
Meanwell also has an inrush current limiter that might be intresting.

@nil some things your saying do not make scientific sense to me. I see no reason why a LED light could not outpreform another lighting technologie. That it has not in your experiance is not “proof” that it’s inposible.

All the electrical energy has to go somewhere. in these cases it goes either into light, or into heat. LED’s radiate/convect that heat away via a heatsink. other technologies usualy radiate it on the plants. That is a significant difference. if it is positive or negative depends on the enviroment.

compare it to me planting a seedling apple tree. pruning it really small each year. And than claiming all apple tree’s never give fruit. This might have been my experiance but is definitly not a true statement.

ps, data sheet link here

it is quite extensive. and cree also has other good design documents. If you can read such a document, and not have any questions and recognise all the maths and termenologie you’d build a much better and safer light.

A 400W LED array would certainly outperform a 400W HID, but not a 50W. Show me the results. Outlandish claims require proof. Show me a 50W LED that outperforms a 400W HID. It does not exist. Show me a practical test. If these LEDs are so great, there must be at least one example of them outperforming a HID system. Show it to me.


you are completly right. a 50W LED light would never produce more light than a 400W HID. at least not if the HID is fungctioning well. I thought HID’s had roughly 20-30% total or wall efficiency (20-30% goes to visible light, rest to heat) i have no source for it and it’s a vague memory. so don’t accept this number as fact.
For a 50W light to produce more than a 400w 20% efficient HID it would need to have an efficiency of 160%, and thus not feesable.

i do however think we’r currently at a point where good quality led dies and chips used to make a 400watt wall power LED light will produce more light than a 400W HID. It will likely also have a longer lifespan, probably more complete spectrum (less peaks) and better safety (lower max temp) but will also cost (a lot) more than the HID

if you look back at my first post in this topic. I was pointing out the lies of an LED light marketed as 4000-5000watt but taking 40-50 watts of electrical power from the wall.

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Well the engineers from your country at gavita who do all the actual horticultural lighting and have been the leaders of this industry seem to disagree. You are right about 0.4v not being correct I thought I put 0.4w

Gavita is not behind on the times and they just made a led because leds just now surpassed hds. You guys are comparing ancient hid technology to current day leds and it’s funny. Gavita puts over 3000 3w(max power) leds into there units and they put high quality diodes tip bin made by Samsung with good phosphorescence. This unit produces 696 watts averaging at the wall and puts 680 watts into lighting. What phosphorescence do the China divide makers use?

Also what about stroboscopic effects? Have you guys seen the increase in epilepsy? Do you know stroboscopic effects hurt plants and while these leds may burn your plants and create weird hormone issues you are basically hoping they do not do anything to your brain

I’m glad you talked about burning your house down as many of these fixtures fake the etl and Ul listings and are truly not safe. Also most of these companies are shell companies that will never stand behind a warranty. There is good reason for that you burn most of your color from red orange and blue into yellow and green pretty quickly

I do not know how you did the conversion from lumen to µmol, without spectral data (could not find it in the data sheet, the data sheet is quite limited, especialy compared to for example one from cree)

This is the datasheet for the LEDs used in the strips: Data_Sheet_LM561C_CRI80_Rev.9.0.pdf I have some basic calculations on lm/Watt which are probably optimistic due to various losses, but even at 20% less its still within my expectations.


I am verry curious though what you would measure if you measured temperature on the termal measuring point on the led pcb.

Yeah, I don’t have a probe I can solder on there or I would definitely test it. My current method of thermal testing is if I can hold the heatsink (C-channel) with my hand without it being too hot - LOL :grin:. This means the heatsink gets to no more than 140°F in stale air, when I add a small circulating fan it probably drops to ~110°F. I don’t know if IR thermometers work well on aluminum.

EDIT: I can actually touch the LEDs after they have been on for 12 hours without any pain so its safe to say they aren’t getting very hot.

Another thing that worries me in that design is the load balancing. I see no way in which they ensure the paralel strings are evenly load balanced. […] Putting them in series balances load. But can increase the required voltage to dangeours levels. So as a DIY you should not do this.

This was a consideration I had, but honestly I don’t remember why I am not worried about this, maybe something about the fact that I am using a Constant Current + Constant Voltage LED driver? I can unplug strips as needed without any problems, so if a whole strip fails I would just need to replace that one strip. I definitely wanted to work with low voltage when watering plants, etc.

Most power supplys have incrush currents above 60 amps (100s often). This can easily start a fire when switched by a cheap inapropriatly rated for max 16 amp relay in time switches.

Can you explain what you mean by this? I have two 24V 9.5A grow lights (each with their own HLG-240H driver) on one timer switch. Measuring the current draw with a Killawatt it looks like both lights are drawing 3.16A (at 121V) through the timer.

The led die generates the heat. It weighs almost nothing and is incredibly small. It can thus reach a high temperature with verry little actual heat energy. If you touch it there is not enough heat energy stored in the small mass to heat up your finger enough for you to feel it.

if you touch a droplet of boiling water you won’t imidietly have burn wounds. If you submerge your finger in a pan of boiling water you will.

your hands are not an accurate termometer, especially not regarding LED’s.

The heat generated by the LED is generated by the microscopicaly small die, than transfered trough the package trought the PCB trough the TIM (in your case dubble sided tape) then trough the aluminium heat sink to the air.

on page 4 you can find that just from the die inside the led package to the solder point is already 12-16 c/w thermal resistance.

The actual connection to the PCB is usualy a few c/w to. Than the PCB itself unles it’s metal core, is usualy quite large (20-100c/w range is not unusual). (metal core is quite expensive)
This is due to the way higher heat resistance of FR4 than of copper or alluminium.

And than you have a relitivly thick layer of dubble sided tape (relative to TIM’s thicknes)
That also ads a lot of c/w

i would run those strips at 1/3 max power or below typical rated power. Unless you can ensure their termal limits are met. And for these the termal recomended numbers are low. (65c)

On page 23 you can find the termal derating curves

you could also have a look at this

the constant current + constant voltage (CC CV) driver only works for a single unit. As soon as your using multiple units paralel, the driver cannot balance them anymore for you.

You should really look into this yourself further.
Ill give a brief explenation though.
Your switching power supply has a large capacitor on your net connection. When you plug it in, or when your timer plugs it in for you. This capacitor starts charging. However since it starts empty it starts out as a short, and a huge current 60-100+ amps rushes trough your wires to the capacitor. This only has a verry short duration. and is worst if you plug it in when your AC is exacly at the highest point of the voltage sine wave.

This basicly short duration short cirquit does not last long enough to melt your house wires (usualy) but it ocuers similtaniously with your relay switching on, and the mechanicle relay can bump a bit, and with that huge current create plasma arcs and sparks, thus deteriorating the relay contacts and this deterioration increases till it can catch fire.
There is a reason such a cheap small relay is rated for 16 amp or somthing like that. and not the 200 amps that inrush current can give you.

your killawatt does not measure often enough to show you the inrush current.
however the meanwel datasheets actualy specify the maximum number of power supply’s to not trigger fuses. And fuses are usualy more robust then sub 1$ relays. (the relays in most time clocks are really cheap)

your running a dangerous situation. It does not neccesarely have to burn down your house. But you would not be the first one. And it would not surprise me.

DIYing with electrical stuff without the appropriate knowladge is dangerous. especialy if you go over the rating of components by a factor of 10.

i would not sleep in a house that contains such a setup.


This to me sounds wrong. purely from a physics science/maths point of vieuw.
Taking 696 watts from the wall and sending out 680 watts as light would mean only 2.3% is lost as heat in the driver and leds themselfs. at this moment simply not possible.

I think you mean it only looses ~3% in the driver. Thus driver efficiency is 97%. this is possible. and meanwell has multiple drivers like that.

stoboscopic effects
I think your misunderstanding somthing here.

A good led driver works on verry high frequency’s (10-100’s thousands per second)
And has a large capacitor to filter those frequency’s out. And thus acts like a quite “clean” constant current source. way cleaner than (most) all HID’s

The datasheets specify tolerated current ripple, and it’s usualy quite low. way to low for even a hint of a stroboscopic effect.

They use a made in the usa specialty phillips led driver and it is extremely efficient and very high quality and is by far the top driver in the industry right now.

So you do not think these cheap china leds have stroboscopic effects? What materials are they using in china for the led diodes? Do you really think these $100 leds have capacitors that are going to last very long when they overrun these devices like that?

I literally think most of these are trash and we have convinced people to pay for trash and once they use it for a year they will pay to throw it away. What a waste

again your confusing different parts of the system.

the leds themself never have caps. The drivers do.

There are also led light fixtures without a switching power supply. That work of a rectified ac and some fets/resistors. those have stroboscopic effects but produce so much heat that that setup is not feasable for anything higher wattage.

anyway if you have questions about the physics or data sheets id be happy to help. But discusing misunderstood or badly prashed marketing is not my hobby. im sorry if this comes of harsh. it’s not meanth personal. and im really tired.

I just want to note that a lot of poorly made LED lamps with low quality drivers are unsafe. And there is a lot of marketing lies going around using scientific terms that do not match reality in “LED world” be carful to not get scammed or burn down your house. If your serious about DIY LED’s and you get stuck on a datasheet or the maths im happy to help out :slight_smile:

you can make quite a few fun things with leds. I made a lot of lamps out of objects like shells using LED’s.
Lamps are hard to photograph though.


When did i say that the led diodes have caps? What i said was that do you really think these cheap leds who clearly lie about everything from wattage to light output and spectrum. Are being honest with you and putting all the right parts in these lights to make them grow plants efficiently and not lose spectrum and diodes right away? That even further from that they would spend even more money to keep you and your plants safe by making sure you do not get a stroboscopic effect?

You can add up the parts and see its not possible. Most of these things do not have meanwell drivers why would they pay more money for a good driver when they are not even being honest about what they are selling you.

Again could you tell me what china is putting into the led diodes they are making?

South korea is honest about what they use

All i ask from these led makers is to use ppfd and umol/j and to provide a spectrograph backed up by a ulbricht sphere reading

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you suggested here the china LED’s (of wich i posted a datasheet cree LED with all relevant data) do not have caps, and are thus bad.

I want to point out the LED die’s/packages never have caps attached. The caps are in the drivers. Thus like i said earlier i think your confusing the terminology. Or maybe i am confusing the terminology.

my first reply in this topic was pointing out the false advertising and scientificly imposible data on cheap led fixtures/lamps. I think we agree on that point. You however are also posting some things that are not scientificly correct. thats what i was pointing out (the 0.4v thing, stroboscopic effect on led lamps with switching mode power supply’s , confusing total efficiency and driver efficiency, etc )