Yes. The best definition i have found is “The variety known as Yellow Delicious is believed to be a synonym for Golden Delicious, possibly the result of unauthorized propagation from the original Golden Delicious tree.” from OrangePippin
Isons which everyone is fond of is one of the few nurseries that sell Yellow Delicious by name. Arbor Day website also sells Yellow Del. and not Golden Del.
Gibson/Smoothee is a mutation that some folks are fond of. Some folks call it ‘Improved Golden Del.’
If you read some of the old discussions Grimes Golden is superior to GD… but that seems to be subjective. It is supposedly the parent of GD.
Alot of discussions of old strains vs new strains. Many think the old strains are better and vice versa.
Supposedly Gibson ripens 10 days ahead of GD… and if you see one with a red cheek or blush it could be Gibson instead.
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GoldRush may be the king of Long Keepers? I have seen nice reports that state if you can keep your hands off of them in storage until April… they are exceptional. Im not sure that i could though.
Lots of good reading on keeper apples.