Looking for The Best peach to grow in Baltimore

Any grow the Indian Blood and Black Boy peaches in humid east coast?
I heard they are very tasty and leaf curl-resistant (which is my 2nd problem along with ‘bacterial spot’ on fruit which hoping Captain will work when sprayed). Just curious if its better than Red-Haven?

Indian Free and Black Boy are both very prone to rot. Indian Cling is not prone to rot but is a cooking peach, hard in flesh and relatively low in sugar. I like Indian Free enough that I have kept the tree for years but many years I get no fruit off it.

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I’m growing both Indian Free and Black Boy in coastal Northern California, where leaf curl is very common. I can attest that they are nearly immune to curl in this environment, at least, and are indeed tasty. Peregrine and Indian (Blood) Cling also resist curl here, though I can’t comment on their fruit quality yet.