Making Hoshigaki


It could be Rojo but the sign said Hachiya. In the past, my “Hachiya” always looked like this. It is astringent. I ate one which I thought was fully ripe with clear jello flesh. It still has some astringency. So, I have not finished it yet.


Last year I tried drying in ghouse (temp 50-60, humidity 50%). DISASTER! All molded even though daily spraying with vodka and sited beside blowing fan. Once I went through 2 cups of vodka, I called an end to trial! Molding was probably inevitable due to senescence of other plants in ghouse (tomatoes).
This year in new location, total success! I hung inside house by louvers of heat pump (temp 70, humidity 25%). NO MOLD! Although will not get sugar bloom because of rapid drying.
This is Saijo after hanging for 2 weeks. No astringency. Sweet and date-like. Pretty amazing coming from a hard, yellow-orange lump!