Morus nigra mulberry?

I posted in another thread pictures of my seedlings, 9 trees from 10 seeds,

I plan to plant is 4-in-a-hole in a hope it will create at least root-graft and be stronger, for at least 5-7 years, later on if needed I can “prune out” spare parts. I also want to experiment 1-white-3-nigras in a single hole (I’ll put seeds in styrofoam cup and I won’t separate them) so it may make “natural graft” over time.

Here is what I have right now, ready to be planted outside in few weeks, I ordered also “Plantra Tree Shelters” otherwise sunlight will kill them, seeds started sprouting in October 2019, and now they look very adult and they look very different; two huge strikes happened after 1-2 months of no-growth, and now others have no-growth: