Most productive blackberry

Prime Ark 45 ripens June 9 in Ark. berry size 6-7G and 6-7 lb per plant yield when tipped at 45 inches.

Compared to Prime Ark Horizon which ripens 14 June in same location.
8G berry and 10lb yield/plant

Ripening in mid to late june with a 10g berry and yields ranging from 7-12lb per plant.

This is according to patent info…and of course varies by location…and of course yields vary greatly depending on cane length.

Comparing these 3 i think Horizon is a winner due to the double crop, higher yield, smaller thorns than PA45 or Kiowa and more sparsely thorned. Also Horizon ripens eariler than 45 on the primocane crop.

As you can see in the video the yield potential is very very high.

Plus Horizon fruits longer than most any other cultivar… if you dont mind berries from August to October on the primocane crop. So you can have fruit from June to October in a favorable year.


Sounds like zone 7 is possibly the limit for reliable production?

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Ponca is somewhat unique…
The canes have unique architecture with reduced leaf internode length that provides potential advantages in cane tipping management.
Ponca has demonstrated good secondary bud crop potential following cold injury.

Ponca showed no damage to during record low temps…while Natchez did.

Also to note is the secondary crop of Ponca which is also somewhat unique and helpful for early frost damage or winter damage.

Probably the best way to ensure these buds is to tip primocanes after harvest of floricanes… to have the most fruiting buds for next years crops.

So in summary… tip and prune them as you would a Primocane fruiting cultivar… as Ponca has two crops… one is early the other is early/mid. Folks that always get winter damage with conventional pruning likely only see the secondary crop and may have a better opportunity for both with early tipping to ensure the most bud formation. This is due to the short internodes and unlikely to form adequate laterals if not tipped early.