Muscadines 2022

Is Hunt worth growing? I did a search and couldn’t find any information.

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The Hunt muscadine vine produces fruit that is excellent for jams, jelly, juice and wines. This muscadine is medium in size with large clusters and good quality. The Hunt muscadine vine is disease resistant and cold hardy. Ripens early season. 17% sugar. Available in 2 year Bare root only. NOTE: Female variety that must be planted within 50 feet of a self-fertile variety.

I haven’t grown Hunt but it looks good for the purposes Ison"s indicates.

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Thanks, Ison’s was my first stop for research as well. Was hoping someone here was growing it to either recommend or say don’t worry with it.

Tractor Supply has 1 nice specimen for $15.

I have Paulk, Summit, Noble, Ison, Hall that I just received from Ison’s yesterday. Planning to add some more varieties from them next year.

I should probably just stop for this year lol

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Hunt is an older variety that I have grown in the past. As above, it is fine for jelly and jam. Don’t plan on eating it for fresh fruit. The skin is thick and sweetness distinctly sub-par.

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Will muscadines get to a maturity point where they no longer require irrigation? I could manage for a couple years, but if they’re gonna need irrigation long term, I’ll have to consider another location.

The spot I have has been a corn field/food plot (clover/wheat/rye) for ~20 years. It’s sandy/rocky where ~50 years ago a half-hearted attempt was made to pump gravel. You can see from the pics that the far end has no rocks and is darker dirt. This field floods once every decade or so ~1-2 feet for 1-2 days. I’m sure the new silt helps, assuming the vines can tolerate some standing water for that time. We have wild berries around, so I assume it’s fine.

I would mulch heavily with wood chips.

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Black Beauty leafing out now here in the Baltimore area. Lane and Paulk are a little sleepier. Year 3 for Black Beauty and Lane so hoping for a decent crop of fruit. I got 1 grape off of BB last year and it was fantastic.

Lane is the least vigorous of the 3. Paulk is already larger in year 2 than Lane is in year 3.

Black Beauty grows like mad even though I don’t irrigate like I should and have been inconsistent with the fertilizer. I have a feeling Paulk will go wild this Summer as well.


Unless I had a better option with land I would plant there and take a chance on the 10 year water rise. Some growers don’t irrigate after the vines are established and seem to do well.

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Good to hear that muscadines grow well in your area. Black Beauty has an excellent tasting fruit and the vine is aggressive. We might be a little ahead of you. My BB has new spurs about 8" long.

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I just read on Ison’s web site to water young muscadines 24 gallons a week and you want the soil moist down 2".

I have 1 gallon emitters every 16" down the center under the mulch and I’ve been watering every 3 days for 1 hour, so should I change this to run for an 1/2 hour since it needs to be moist down 2" only? I’m thinking It would be better to have 2 emitter lines 16" apart to moisten more square footage and to run every other day for less time?

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I have two emitters per vine but I water based on need. As of now my vines haven’t needed additional water. Your vine needs are most likely different at your location.

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Black Beauty got fried in a 30 degree frost late last week. Lost all the tender new leaves that had unfurled. About 50% of the leaf buds had not fully opened yet and those seem to be fine.

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I haven’t had frost damage but those spurs might put out new buds. Keep us posted on whether or not the spurs put out new fruit buds. Thanks

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Got an email from Isons about a few Majesty they have still. Anyone growing them?

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Hall buds

Black Beauty my most aggressive grower.


So I noticed that spotted lanternfly nymphs are swarming my muscadines.

I know there was a lot of concern over them initially which has since died down - is that because they really aren’t a problem?

Or should I be spraying something like Triazicide (Gamma-Cyhalothrin) on them right now?


I haven’t seen the spotted lantern fly at my location and I hope they never show up. Some of the other forum members might be able to add to your post.

My backyard wild muscadine… I built a trellis for it 20 years ago… prune it a little each spring. That is all it gets. Looking fruitful again this year.


Poor Black Beauty. The late frost really knocked it out. Not single a living leaf, bud, or shoot. Surprising since Paulk and Lane didn’t miss a beat…but they were about a week behind in growth. BB was in a hurry to leaf out.

Any action I should take? Read some stuff on UGA and NCSt that says to just leave everything alone and cross your fingers if complete shoot kill happens.

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I would just wait awhile and see if it pushes new buds. It might push along the cordon or from the roots.

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