Need Fig recommendation for Zone 9

I picked up a Celeste today. Never bought a fig before, but this one looked good. Not sure if I did ok or not. The Celeste is one of the most common around here, so figured I 'd start with it. Am planning on potting it up in a day or two. Is there anything else I need to do with it like pruning, fertilizing, etc? Thanks, Ed

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Give them slow release fertilizer and pinch the tip after every five leaf to encourage breda.


Pinching is to encourage main crop. Breba form in spring on last yrs wood.

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Ok, thanks, seems pretty simple. Looks like I need to let them grow a bit. Any chance I’ll get figs this year?

Yes, the main crop is on new wood only. They can grow up to 9 feet in one season.You don’t want that though as you won’t get any figs! Give it a bigger pot (next size up-unless you already did that) don’t disturb roots, most say that, I have root pruned with no problems, but that is not the normal advice. It’s a big tree! It should fruit. Celeste is known for dropping figs prematurely . I have not seen it, but I guess some do.

Just to update. I returned the larger Celeste, and exchanged it for a smaller Brown Turkey. Maybe not a better fig, but I was happy to start smaller, since they grow so fast. This one already has a couple of figs on it, and is growing nicely. Also, after I returned the Celeste, I found out that a neighbor in town has a Celeste, and he gave me a couple of cuttings, which are currently in potting mix. Funny, because he said he likes the Brown Turkey better than the Celeste…so go figure.

You made the right decision. BT is a much better fig for your location
than Celeste.

Thanks. Can’t believe how fast they grow, and that it’s already putting out figs. Very excited!

If you have the real brown turkey then it’s should be great in your climate, I have heard that if pollinated with the fig wasp the figs are even better. Which the fig wasp is not in your area.