thanks! I’ve never grown the blacks so i wasn’t sure. . i didn’t add ferts till i saw new growth. guess ill wait and see.
Has anyone grown the BP-1 raspberries? I’ve been thinking of adding Polka and this comes from a Polka/Tulameen cross and is supposed to be even better. But that is the hype and I don’t see any actual tasting reviews. I’m particularly interested in if the provide a reasonable Spring crop (floricane).
I saw BP1 on Nourse’s site, it sounded interesting, but I didn’t want to have buy 5 of them, their minimum order. It’s a fall bearer, so it ought to give a summer crop on the floricanes.
I think @Drew51 grows Polka, I believe.
@Klondike_Mike, you ought to check out that Ohio’s Treasure @moose71 is trying out, sounds like it would be a good rasp for your area. It’s a fall bearer, so you wouldn’t have to worry about the floricanes making it thru the winter, but it should be hardy enough anyways.
Thanks Bob, I’ve never bought black raspberries because Stark Bro’s site says not to grow blacks within 100 ft. of reds and golds because the blacks are more susceptible to certain diseases. If I remember right though, some members here are doing it with no problems so far.
I have let wild black raspberries pop up and spread a little in my berry patches and no problems yet. In fact they are very vigorous and healthy, only drawback is the berries are a bit small. . .
Yes, that is true, but it’s like a cannery in a coal mine, let’s you know. many reds are asymptomatic, so don’t tell you, you have a virus.
Polka tastes great, but it does not produce a very good floricane crop. Some fall bearers do. Fall Gold does and others, Himbo Top does too.
i saw those bp-1s. look like they would be a good producer!
supposedly the ohio treasure is not only hardier than most blacks but more disease resistant too. hartmanns developed them and sells them. hirts has them too. i ordered 3 from each to see the difference. same packing so I’m assuming hartmanns selling to hirts. they were in tiny 2in. pots. planted them downwind of my reds just in case.
Bad choice of names as Ohio Everbearing is a very famous primocane fruiting black raspberry.
I’ve read that i think on hartmanns site. i believe its the same old cultivar with the added hardiness and disease resistance bred into it by hartmanns. they claim the berry size is just a tad smaller than jewell with similar taste.
BP-1. yes…
Here is what Nourse says about BP-1. I know, not a very imaginative name.
I was excited today as after breeding Anne and Polka, trying to create an orange raspberry, with good flavor. I crossed two Anne fruit, but my mother in law ate one of them! Argh! I still had one fruit with lot’s of seeds. After having 4 plants out of five die on me. The only ones that sprouted from the cross. Anyway the one surviving plant is fruiting and the first berry is near ripe.This is fruit off the seed cane! Three or four primocanes are developing. So more fruit in the fall. Looks like orange sherbet! Talk about beginner breeder’s luck!
Next to Himbo Top
good job breeding them! I’m excited for you!
Drew, aren’t you looking for a deeper orange than golden yellow. My Kiwi gold turn that color too! Cannot wait to see one that is totally ripe.
Yeah those yellow berries are totally green, and hard as a rock, the orange berry is what I was talking about. I’ll take a better photo of them, more are ripe today. They do look a lot like Double Gold. Ironic as right next to it is a Double Gold. I cut down the floricanes last year, so have to wait till the fall crop to compare them side by side.
Fully ripe it is looking more pink. Taste is good! Happy with it, wish it was more orange, I will just have to make more crosses!
I like the idea of pink! Huge valentines day seller!