No Fruit ... So How is Spray Regime Changed?

Yes, I like the Neptune products a lot. Just like you mention, I would need a gallon.


I don’t spray peaches for anything during the growing season if they don’t have fruit. I might do a trunk spray for borers, but that’s it.

Additionally, once I harvest all the peaches off of trees, I don’t continue spraying the trees.

I do spray all peaches for leaf curl in the dormant season.

How do you treat canker in peaches? I have a doughnut-shaped bulge on the trunk of my Burbank July Elberta.

So far, I don’t treat canker. I sent in some samples of diseased bark to Cornell for the first time a couple of weeks ago- you remind me that I’ve gotten no response. Canker has only become an issue at a couple of sites in the last 3 years, initially brought on by the stress of excessive cropping, it seems. For 2 decades I managed hundreds of peach trees without having this problem.

Your bulge might be southwest injury and caused by callousing over the wound.