The history that i can find on it says that it is nearly fuzz (less)…and is believed to be bred with a nectarine.
Anyways…my neighbors peaches are nearly fuzzless.
You commented that it had less fuzz than others and you praised it… 5 years ago. Maybe things have changed since then as i was made aware of previously.
I don’t know who inspired me to try O’Henry here in the northeast where it probably is never grown commercially- maybe Scott and certainly someone on this forum. No nurseries that supply northeast commercial growers carry it that I know of. It is susceptible to bacterial leaf spot so commercial growers relied on the likes of Autumn Glo and Encore for their latest crop of peaches when I started my orchard here.
I used to grow the rot prone Autumn Glo but switched to the smaller fruited (but s…
More info here also noted for being the most red and very little fuzz
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