Northern Mid-Atlantic: SE-PA/N-VA/MD/NJ/DE Region

I didn’t think to check my pawpaws, I’ll have to mosey down there!

This is what my plum looks like today. Most of the flower bud/flower are dead. I don’t know if some will survive.

My peaches and pear seem ok.

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Plums flowers don’t seem like they will make it. apples, & pears look good. Pawpaw buds look good too.

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My plum open plum buds look just like yours. I have a couple of other trees that are opening later hopefully they were more dormant and undamaged.

Honey berries bag and in ground took a hit on the newest growth but older growth and the flower appear to have made it though ok.



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I think my blooms all came through okay, at least enough that I didn’t lose everything. My apricot, which is young, seems to be setting some fruit from the blooms, so some must have made it unless they suddenly abort. My cot is in an open front yard by my neighbor’s apricot, which is in a backyard with a privacy fence around it seems to have lost everything, so maybe his fence held the cold in and got him a degree or 2 colder.

I think my pear blossoms are okay.

My Carmine Jewel and Juliets are starting to bloom now, so it seems they know to wait a little longer.

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I saw some toasted magnolias nearby and a few very minor bits of damage but that is it for me.

That said I have seen delayed effects from some freezes, two years ago many of my cots took freeze damage at dime sized but they didn’t drop for several weeks.

Can anyone tell me when my prune plums should flower, Zone 6b Reading/Philadelphia, PA area? Relative to forsythia, weeping cherries or redbuds blooming (or some other plant) would be perfect. I planted three last fall when I moved. They look good and had greenwood when I took scion wood earlier, but now I’m nervous. No sign of anything yet, except red-ish branches. I can’t remember when they bloomed last year.

Maybe a week or two from now? Mine have highly swelled flower buds and a couple have already opened at the tips. You should at least see swelled buds by now.

Hmmmm…I’m not sure that I am seeing that. The apples in the warm, protected spot out back (in pots) are about to bloom. The spot were the plums are is colder, as is the general area near the house. It is a bit of a cold sink. Hopefully, they are just behind.

Here’s my Castleton this morning, just started showing color in the buds.

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I’m seeing some bud swell on a very, very limited number of branches (but at least on all three trees). The rest look like the second picture. They have only bloomed once since I bought them, but I remember the trees being covered in blooms. I’m hoping the move and new location did not stress them to the point of dying.

(sorry about the focus on the second picture)
Slightly better photo:

What are we looking at? Peach apple? How tall are you looking to grow this tree? You can get some more branching if you clip the terminal buds


Sorry, this is relative to my earlier post; trying to see if these plums made it through the winter or if they are dying. They are not blooming yet and I feel like they should be by now.

Well not really. Each plum has its own bloom period. You said you have a prune plum.
That would make it a Euro. My Euros where asleep until just the end of last week.
While my Flavor Queen, and Splash were in full bloom last week and fozen out by the polar votex, this week Emerald drop and Geo pride are moving towards full bloom. My Santa Rosa which is “supposed” to pollenate everything seems to be one my last to bloom. So I would say everything is fine.

These are Long John European, Stanley, and Prune D’Ente specifically. I would be very happy if they are just a bit late (and therefore, still alive).

They dont look dead in the pictures and they likely not late. At least for me my Euros always bloom latest.

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Moving larger trees can be a big setback. Hopefully the move was in the dormant season. Often they will wake up later just due to the stress of the move. I see enough buds swelling there that I think they will all survive.

I moved some 2-year peaches this winter, most are looking good but one is waking up very slowly. I thought it might be dying but it finally seems to be getting going here.

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Got my OGW order today, everything looks good!

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@ampersand still interested in someone hauling that fig tree away? @franc1969 did your plans come together? otherwise, I have a truck, I think I could make the drive.

Wedding shower is now on the 24th, and we all have been so busy with other things I have not gone up aside from planning on that.
I am going to be grafting for two weeks, so can’t really drive up now.